Secondary Life

German Exchange

Steve Venour - Head of Secondary

From the 1st to the 26th of April, 19 senior students and 3 staff were hosted in Germany as part of an exchange program with St Michael’s, Paderborn. 


As you can imagine it is a transformative experience for the students who spend time with host families, attending school and visiting Berlin. Here is a brief testimonial from Year 11 student, Alex Steinfort.


"An experience like no other. The German Exchange was life-changing for me. I gained a second family on the other side of the world and a friend I can call a brother. I learnt so much about a place and culture so different to ours, and so much about myself. 
Through this experience, I've grown and developed in almost all aspects and I am forever thankful to everyone involved in making it happen. I've not only become better and more confident in my German linguistic abilities, but also in myself. I have made friendships through this exchange both in Germany and in Australia that will stay with me forever. 
I have created and been a part of so many incredible memories and moments that neither I nor anyone else involved will ever forget. I am forever in debt to my parents, Frau Samuel and DCC for this exchange and giving me the opportunity of a lifetime."

EISM Division 1 Athletics

Kylie Thorpe - Health and PE Coordinator

On Wednesday 3 May, our team of 87 athletes ventured to Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park to compete in the EISM Division 1 Athletics Carnival. 


The day posed a huge challenge against tough opposition, especially as we had recently been promoted to Division 1 after winning Division 2 last year. As the day progressed, we were excited to see our school towards the top of the leader board, moving from 4th to 2nd just prior to the final relays. 


Then, during the final presentations, the school names were read out, and we were in the last two! The team paused in the stands awaiting the next announcement…


“First place – Donvale Christian College!!” 

The grandstand erupted with cheers from the team, ecstatic with the victory. 


We are so incredibly proud of each student who represented our College. It was a team effort, with all giving their best to bring the trophy home. 


Our joy was not just in being the first ever Donvale Athletics team to win the Division 1 trophy, but in seeing the way in which our students embodied the Donvale difference throughout the competition – shaking hands on the finish line, checking in on injured students from other schools, and encouraging all students throughout the day.





A list of our achievements can be found on the next page. 

Generations In Jazz Festival

Phillip Reichman - Head of Music

We have some exciting news to share about a school that rocked the house at a recent festival! The Advanced Vocal Ensemble took home the 1st prize in their division, and the Altonatives came in a close second in the small open vocal division. 


But the real show-stopper was Xavier Wursthorn, who was crowned the best guitarist for Division 2 and got to perform with the Division 2 'Superband' in front of 3500 students!


The festival wasn't just about winning awards, it was about seeing 90 of DCC’s young musicians and singers step up and perform with confidence and energy for the very first time. Most of the students competing in Years 7-10 had never been to the festival before, while the Year 11 and 12 students were in Years 7 and 8 the last time they participated. It was an amazing accomplishment to see these talented kids take the stage with such enthusiasm and passion!

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the incredible Ensembles directors like Tim Fisher, Josh Manusama and Mel Searle, who did an outstanding job preparing the students for the competition. 


And let's not forget the amazing GiJ team, including Lesley White, Rebecca Hunter, Julie Delgado, Andrew Horneman, Lachlan Smith, Sulari Nielsen, and Graham Cheung, who went above and beyond to make sure everything ran smoothly and safely.


All in all, it was an unforgettable experience for everyone involved, and the school is already looking forward to the next Generations in Jazz in 2024!

“Regardless of the weather, Generations in Jazz was so much fun! Being able to see Dirty Loops live was amazing, and being back in the generations in jazz community after so long was so encouraging and uplifting. While it is sad being the last time going for us Year 12s, it was so much fun and was a trip to remember”
                                                                                             Grace Dashwood - Music Captain 


“Despite the torrential rain, mud and freezing temperatures, GIJ has made it onto my highlights of the year. I was lucky enough to be a part of three different ensembles that performed across the weekend! All of which performed incredibly. 
Not being known for my singing ability it came as a welcome surprise when the Advanced Vocal Ensemble placed 1st! To top it all off, Dirty Loops live was out of the world good! Overall an outstanding last year at GIJ!”
                                                                                                        Jared Glover - Music Captain