

The winter has arrived, but there is a lot to do in our school garden. 

Year 1/2 SM picked the lemon verbena leaves which will be washed, then dried to use as a tea for the cold winter days. They have planted lots of curly kale seedlings and we hope that at least some of our resident snails are on holidays. 


All classes are becoming excellent at identifying the weeds in our garden. Students dug out heaps of very annoying onion weeds and pulled others like chickweed and dandelions. Although the last two are edible and with medicinal properties, we would rather have a lot of veggies instead. 


Market day Friday 16th June

Next Friday June 16th we will have Market Day at school pick up. Students will be selling herbs (parsley, rosemary, thyme, oregano), seedlings and seeds. BYO bags and lots of gold coins. The sale proceeds will be used to buy ingredients for cooking and more seeds/seedlings. 

Thank you for your continued support.


Vesna Simic

Learning Support Officer