From the Principal's Desk

Art Show 2018
Our 2018 Art Show will be held this Friday November 16th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We invite you to come along to enjoy the wonderful art pieces created by all the children in our school.
We will also be auctioning a canvas completed by each class. This is an exciting part of the night and will commence at 7.30 pm. We look forward to seeing all families and friends on the night.
Glee Club will be sharing their talents with performances through the evening. We look forward to seeing you all.
Nathalie Fraser
Art Teacher
School Fees 2019
To ensure that the school can continue to provide and maintain buildings, infrastructure and programs to a high standard the school accountant has advised there is a need to have a modest increase in fees for 2019.
Corpus Christi receives almost 90% of its funding from Federal and State Government grants to cover general recurrent costs such as staff salaries, curriculum & teaching, maintenance and administration costs. The amount received from the government is also adjusted (reduced) by a factor which is the deemed amount that parents are expected to contribute towards these recurrent costs. In addition to a contribution to these daily operating costs, parents are also expected to fund capital items such as loan repayments and school improvements.
While most areas of funding have generally increased in line with the expected growth in costs, there are two areas where grants have not kept pace with these increases.
Firstly, the grant allocation to cover curriculum & teaching, general administrative and maintenance costs has not increased at all between 2018 and 2019. The second area that has had a negative impact on the school is that the amount parents are expected to contribute to these costs has increased by 3.5%. These two factors combined have had the effect of actually reducing the amount the school has received to fund non-salary related operating costs. As you would be aware, however, costs such as maintenance, insurance, electricity and buses have continued to grow.
In setting the fees for 2019, we have also tried to maintain our emphasis on the provision of affordable Catholic Education for all families. With this in mind, any family that is suffering from financial hardship is invited to contact me in confidence to discuss their situation.
Please see the following schedule showing the new fees, together with a comparison to the existing fees:
PFA Fundraiser
The next PFA fundraiser for the year will held on Monday December 3rd when the Coon Cheese Toastie Truck will visit Corpus Christi School. Children will be able to pre-order cheese toasties for lunch at $3 per sandwich. All proceeds from the orders will be donated back to the school.
Order forms will be sent home next Monday and must be returned by Friday 23rd November.
Key enrolment dates for Year 5 students in 2019 starting Year 7 in 2021
Please note the key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2019 who will be enrolling in Year 7 for 2021
· Term 1 – 29 January 2019: Applications open for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2021.
· Term 3 – 23 August 2019: Applications close.
· Term 4 – 18 October 2019: Offers posted to prospective Year 7, 2021 applicants.
· Term 4 – 1 November 2019: Final date for families to accept offer made by school.
Book Club
Thank you for supporting Book Club! When you purchase from Book Club, the school gets back twenty cents for every dollar you spend in rewards. Last year we raised over $900 that the school used to purchase some great literacy and numeracy resources.
Issue 8 is now available with some great books on offer - check it out.
Issue 8 orders are due at 9am on Thursday 22nd November. There are two ways to order - return your catalogue to the office with correct change or you can order online and pay with credit card via the Scholastic website or download the app. Happy reading!
Jess Langhorne
Book Club Coordinator
Zooper Doopers
No Zooper Doopers will be sold this Friday due to the Swimming Program.
Have a wonderful week
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal