Education in Faith

Catholic Social Teaching - Solidarity
Everyone belongs to one human family, regardless of their national, religious, ethnic, economic, political and ideological differences. Everyone has an obligation to promote the rights and development of all peoples across communities, nations and the world, irrespective of national boundaries.
As Catholics, we are called to show solidarity with all people. This means supporting people, whatever their situation, to help them to live a better life. We are all loved by God and we show this love when we stand with each other through our life’s struggles.
Australian Rotary Clubs are part of an international network of business, professional and community leaders who strive to make the world a better place through practical efforts. Through Rotary International, the reward of "paying it forward" unites men and women from different backgrounds, cultures, religious and political beliefs the world over, allowing ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
Last week we donated some of our tables, chairs, lockers and computers to the local Rotary Club. The items we have donated no longer meet our needs but they are still functional and the Rotary Club will send them to a school in Zimbabwe to support children in their learning. Through our Social Justice initiatives here at Corpus Christi, we continue to reach out to others in the wider community.
The Grail Prayer
Lord Jesus I give you my hands to do your work
I give you my feet to go your way
I give you my eyes to see as you do
I give you my tongue to speak your words
I give you my mind that you may think in me
I give you my spirit that you may pray in me
Above all, I give you my heart
that you may love in me
your Father and all humanity
I give you my whole self
that you may grow in me
so that it is you Lord Jesus
who live and work and pray in me.