Digital Learning

Digital Learning at Brookside

Digital Learning at Brookside College involves equipping students with the skills to be lifelong digital citizens. This means that students will use technology in a safe and responsible manner and learn essential skills such as collaboration, communication and creativity. In order to allow students to reach their fullest potential in Digital Learning, the College will be utilising EduPass and Microsoft365 as a tool for education.


The Online Safety, Start the Chat campaign is about helping everyone in a child’s life to have a conversation about online safety and is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner. The eSafety Commissioner is responsible for promoting online safety for all Australians.


The youngest generation of children are the first to grow up in a fully connected digital world – for them, the online world is now just as much a part of their lives as the offline world.


Good Habits Start Young:

Parents and carers play an important role in helping children to develop digital intelligence — the social, emotional and practical skills needed to successfully navigate the digital world.


Even for preschool children, it is never too early to instil good habits, and as your child gets older it is useful to keep reminding them of these basic digital intelligence principles: respect, empathy, critical thinking, responsible behaviour and resilience. These are also principles you can emphasise with your child when things go wrong.


Digital Learning Team