Prep-2 Sector

Year 1 News

This term in Reading we are learning about summarising. Summarising is to identify main ideas when reading and rephrasing it in your own words. The students have been exploring this through various fiction books.

In Writing we are working on Procedural writing. Procedural text tells us how to do something step by step.

In Maths we are working on addition and subtraction through worded problems.

As part of play-based learning the Year 1 students have been learning about recycling and the importance of it in the present day. The students have had a great time making paper at school.


Year 1 Team

Year 2 News

In Maths, the year 2 students have been practising skip counting; including skip counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, forwards and backwards. 

Students have used hundreds charts and counters to help them keep count. Placing the counters on the charts has given the students a strategy to visualise and predict the counting patterns.


Year 2 Team