Learning in S39

Senior School S39 Coxon is sharing the learning taking place in their class...

“Bounce Back,  Everybody,  Bounce Back”


In Term 1, S39 have worked hard to understand the importance of our 3 R’s: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience; with a focus on building our resilience in social situations.  We have had lots of discussions about ‘Bouncing Back’,  learnt a very catchy bounce back song, created bounce back hot air balloons and some role-playing.   We have done a fantastic job to learn new strategies to become more resilient in the classroom, school yard and within the community.


Creating a New Country

For our Term 1 Inquiry projects, S39 students have been learning about ‘Citizenship, Diversity and Identity’.  For this unit, we have been learning to identify who can be an Australian citizen and describe the rights, responsibilities and shared values of Australian citizenship.  We created our own country which included a flag, levels of government, a statement about why people should immigrate to their country as well as rights and laws for citizens of their country. 


It was exciting to see the deep thinking that went into creating a country that represented a place they would like to live.