Learning in J03

Junior School J03 Lewis is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

In Numeracy, J03 have been learning about the attributes of 2D shapes and 3D objects.  We have developed our language surrounding the two concepts and have discussed the differences between them.


We enjoyed taking part in a scavenger hunt around the school grounds, identifying the various 3D objects that we could find.  We found cylinders, cubes, spheres, cuboids and triangular prisms.  We worked as a team and found many objects located in various parts of the school, including the garden area, playground and near the school buildings.



In the classroom environment, we had fun creating 2D shapes using coloured icy pole sticks.  We made rectangles, squares, hexagons and triangles.  There was also a competition to see who could make the largest rectangle.


During this unit,  we also created 3D objects using matchsticks and plasticine.   We had to be very persistent to get them to maintain their structure.  The students had a go at creating cubes, cuboids, pyramids and triangular prisms.  Some students even thought of a way to create a sphere using the materials they had.   Can you work out how they achieved this?