Formation Days - Feedback

New Staff Induction
On Tuesday 3 September, staff from across Kildare Ministries schools returned for Day 2 of the New Staff Induction Program. It was a great opportunity to re-connect after first meeting in Term 1 and to discuss the learnings that have taken place across 2019.
Staff were asked to share their learnings from the day:
- The biggest learning was a sense of deeper appreciation of my work and finding a sense of purpose in the things I do and struggle with.
- Deeper understanding of mission. I appreciated the warmth from colleagues and presenters.
- It gave me a better understanding of the overarching direction and vision for my school and the role I play in making that vision come to life.
- The background of the ministries and how down to earth and practical the sessions were
- Loved the deep and valuable discussion
- Great way to learn about the values and mission of the college
- I really valued the revision of previous material appropriately complemented by the further inclusion of the principles of living justice. The collaborative nature of the PD was wonderful.
- Collegiality with other schools. The notion of being an ‘Enabler of Justice’ resonated. It will stay with me. I really valued having time to think about my work.
- We all can do something and educate our students on what they can achieve. I gained a better understanding of what the school is trying to achieve.
- The call to be an ‘Enabler of Justice’ made me feel like I need to do more and not lose my voice to apathy.
New Leaders Seminar Day
On Friday 30 August New Leaders from across Kildare Ministries’ schools gathered to reconnect and share their growth in leadership across 2019. We were so grateful to welcome Donna Rampova and Jenny-May Wilson from Marian College Sunshine West to share the wisdom forged from years of leadership experience. Once again we were reminded of how blessed we are with the staff working in Kildare Ministries’ schools.
Staff who attended the day shared these insights into the New Leaders’ Program:
- The opportunity to network and connect with colleagues from other KM schools, to hear challenges and strategies, to share stories, to engage with the Living Justice documents.
- To consider how to ensure that all staff are enablers of justice and how to incorporate 'justice' more fully into the English department
- The guest presenters were excellent - I really appreciated their presentation.
- Being able to hear about the positive aspects was great. Having lots of time to discuss with others on our table was very interesting.
- Acknowledging the importance of staff wellbeing; feeling you are not alone in the leadership journey
- The conversations with other staff and the strategies and policies they use at their schools
- Accountability with compassion
- I loved the presentation by Donna and Jenny May. All aspects were relatable, affirming and enjoyable. They had a great balance of time to listen and time to speak. The session on the Living Justice Charter also made this more real and great to look at practicalities
- I particularly liked the strategies around having the difficult conversation.
- Having the opportunity to network with staff from other schools
- The biggest learning was the sharing of experiences and ideas.
- The presenters from Marion College had obviously spent a long time preparing to ensure their material was relevant, useful and engaging. I found the session on the Living Justice Charter particularly helpful. I have the poster in my Homeroom but had not really spent any time considering all the aspects of the Charter and relating it to my role as leader and teacher
- Warm, friendly, practical and reassuring.
- The best part was meeting colleagues from other Kildare schools,
- As a leader it was affirming and I would recommend it for any leader in Kildare Ministries.
- Brings connectedness, helped in areas of challenge of being a leader, presenters were engaging, knowledgeable and personable and vulnerable, much appreciated
- Taking on leadership for the first time this year leaves me with so many questions and today gave me the opportunity to answer many of those questions with the fantastic leaders I worked with.
- Really useful in allowing time and space to reflect and grow leadership capacity
- It was a reboot
- You are reminded that you are part of a bigger community and you have the support of lots of other like-minded people
- The presentation was fantastic
- Learning from each other is the best tool often
- Really wonderful to connect and feel part of something bigger