Education in Faith

Education in Faith – 

Palm Sunday – The passion of the Lord


This Sunday, is called Palm or Passion Sunday, it is the first day of Holy Week when we specially remember the last days of Jesus and His death on the cross. 

Lent is done and now Holy Week begins. This is an extraordinary week, in every sense of the word. It is a week of high drama, of courage, betrayal, tragedy, sorrow, grief, triumph, joy. 

Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday are called the Triduum, three days that are the highlight of the Church year. 


Throughout Holy Week, we continue to reflect on the events of Jesus' passion and death. As we meditate on the cross, we ask again and anew what it means to make the statement of faith that Jesus, in his obedient suffering and dying, revealed himself to us as God's Son and brought to fulfilment the Kingdom of God.


We journey along with Jesus in this week’s events, we share in his glory and in his pain. This holiest of weeks is a journey for all of us, not just a journey that was only for Jesus. Jesus invites us all to join him this week. 


There are two Gospels read at Mass. The first Gospel, is read before the procession with palms, tells of Jesus' triumphant entrance into and his painful exit out of the city of Jerusalem. Crowds of people saw and hailed Jesus as he rode on a borrowed colt a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. The people cheered and shouted blessings, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”


In Luke’s account of Jesus’ Passion beginning with the Last Supper he, shows signs of the heavenly banquet. During the meal, Jesus initiates a conversation with Simon and predicts his denial but did not name his betrayer. Jesus then instructs his disciples to prepare themselves for the events that will follow. His words reveal an awareness of the challenges that all of them will face in the days ahead. 


Following the meal, the disciples went with Jesus to the Mount of Olives to pray. As they enter Mount of Olives, Jesus indicates the importance of the disciples' time in prayer, telling them that through prayer they will be able to face the challenges ahead.

As he prays, Jesus is tested. In the garden, an angel is sent to strengthen him and to prepare him for the events ahead. After this moment, Jesus is again in charge of the events and circumstances.

Jesus is portrayed as active and vocal throughout his passion. When handed over by Judas to the Jewish leaders. When one of the disciples strikes and cuts the high priest's servant, but Jesus touched the ear and healed him. Jesus stops the disciples' protest against his arrest by noting that this is the “time for the power of darkness.” 


At daybreak, Jesus went before the Sanhedrin and on to Pilate, Jesus spoke to him about the “power of God” that will bring about the reign of the Son of Man. When questioned by Pilate, Jesus responds with just one phrase; yet before Herod, Jesus refuses to speak. Pilate tried to release Jesus to the crowds as he did not find Jesus guilty of anything, but the crowd pressed for the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus. 

Jesus went before the high priest in whose courtyard Peter denied Jesus the three times predicted at supper. 


Jesus was then led to the cross, helped by Simon, mourned by the women of Jerusalem, and taunted by the Roman soldiers. When at last Jesus died, a man named Joseph gave up his tomb so that Jesus would not be buried in a common grave of criminals.

We see that Jesus' words and actions proclaim the Kingdom of God. This theme continues in this passion narrative. Jesus appears to be in total command of events at the Passover meal as he hands over the kingdom to his disciples. He welcomes them to the Passover meal announcing that this will be his last until the Kingdom of God is fulfilled.

The disciples show little understanding of this kingdom that Jesus often announces. Following the meal, the disciples argue about who is the greatest. Jesus takes the opportunity to distinguish the meaning of leadership in the Kingdom of God from the forms of leadership seen in the world.


Discussion Starters

One way I can help someone carry a cross is by . . .

One way I deny Jesus is when . . .

One way I live my faith, even though it may be difficult is . . .

Who are the people who love you?

What special things do they do for you?

Jesus suffered and died because he loved us. How can we show God’s love to others?

This Sunday is the beginning of a special week of celebrations. How can we participate in Holy Week?


Sacramental News and Dates

Please note the following dates could change due to Covid -19 restrictions.

First EucharistParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 12th July 6 pm at SFSSunday July 17th at 11:00 am at St. Kevin’s Parish
ConfirmationParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 2nd August 6 pm at SFSThursday August 11th at 6:00 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish

Sacrament Levy

There is a $15 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice, and reflection day by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, HomeGroup and name of Sacrament being received before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.

Stations of the Cross

As a preparation for our Lenten Journey, teachers and children participated in an art representation of the Stations of the Cross to lead us with Christ to our celebration of Easter. 

Home Groups were allocated a Station and presented their depiction of their Stations of the Cross. They were careful, creative and used various materials and art elements to engage students with this reflective Art. 

All Art interpretations were displayed on windows through the hallway. 



This week we celebrated Holy Week Liturgies in Learning Spaces. Each Space planned and presented their understanding of the events that take place during Holy Week.


Easter Liturgy - Assembly

Please save Friday, 29th April 2022 for our Easter Liturgy.

The Liturgy will be led by LS 3 Seniors and will take place at 2:40 p.m on the Basketball court (weather permitting).


God Bless 

We wish all our families a blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter!!!

Rozeta Ambrose







Once again a big thank you to the Mini Vinnies for giving up their lunchtime to collect and count the money donated to Project Compassion. Today our Mini Vinnies made their commitment to be part of the group for the remainder of the year. They received their badges which I hope they will wear with pride. Well done Mini Vinnies! I am so proud of you!!





What a fantastic effort by everyone!! The total amount we have collected is $864!!! As a result of your generosity, we will be donating to three areas of need:

  1. Caritas – Project Compassion
  2. Flood Victims of NSW and Queensland
  3. Mia’s Fundraising for Ukraine

The result for this week is:

1st           BOSCO                  $ 304.45                               

2nd          PATRICK               $ 219.90                               

3rd           MACKILLOP        $ 180.25                               

4th         TERESA                 $ 159.45

Thank you to everyone for their contributions and support! Well done to our winning House Bosco! But remember we still have many more community efforts to go towards our House Community Spirit Award. In fact, points have been given to the Grade 6 helpers on Sports Night and Cross Country and also to Mia and all those involved in the Ukraine Appeal. Congratulations to all these people for demonstrating true community spirit. As a result, points update for the House Community Spirit Award will be provided early Term 2.


For the final week Caritas shares WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Stories. They focus on past Project Compassion stories and where these people are now as a result of donations from people like the SFS Community.


On the 25th of April is Anzac Day. Thank you to all the people that bought badges to support our war veterans and their families.


Thank you to the SFS Community for your fantastic support!!

Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies