From the Deputy Principal

Dream come true! Congratulations, Hardy Croucher 

In what has been a somewhat tricky end to the term, it's great to hear that dreams are coming true!  Hardy (Year Ten) has been selected to participate in the national grand final for Class Clowns, part of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival next week. It’s like raw comedy, but for under 18s. Hardy is one of two students representing Western Australia.  Below you will see Hardy, dressed as a banana (of course!), competing in the WA heats.  Clearly, the combination of brilliant costume design and Hardy's comedic talents have impressed the judges.  We wish Hardy all the best as he heads to Melbourne to compete and look forward to hearing all about his adventures.  

Entry road upgrade starting Week 10, Term One

As you know, we have commenced a road upgrade at the main entrance to the school.  Phase 2 of this project includes widening the main entrance, changing the layout of the road slightly and improving the functionality of the road.  In order to ensure that this work is complete for the start of Term Two, we will be commencing these works in the last week of this term. 


The main entrance road will be closed for Week 10, Term One.  This will require changes to the way we access the campus.  Please use the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex (Gym) entrance.  The changes are as follows:

  • The Gym carpark (usually a set down and pick up and parking zone) will be used for bus pick up and drop off only.  This area will be closed to cars.   
  • Parking for ECC parents will be in the existing staff parking adjacent to the Middle School play area with the climbing ‘spider’ and the bridge/leaf deck. 
  • Parking for all other parents will be in the existing student parking area. 
  • Student parking will be moved and students advised of the new areas which can be seen on the map below.
  • Signage will be installed to indicate these changes.

It is vital we all adhere to the instructions about set down and pick up zones and ensuring access ways are kept clear.  We want to accommodate all drivers and need your support and patience to ensure safe drop off and pick up for students.  


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal