Primary News 



On the last day of term, the Preps, Year Fives, and Year Sixes enjoyed some Easter-themed Buddy activities. The Buddies participated in an Easter Egg hunt, ran with their eggs in the egg and spoon race, made Easter Bunny ears, and rose to the challenge of who could make the longest paper chain.   


All the children thoroughly enjoyed spending time with their Buddies and most importantly having fun together!

Our Buddy program is a wonderful way to promote self-esteem, self-efficacy, and an inclusive culture. The Preps love to have an older special friend with whom they can enjoy doing activities together and also have someone to talk to or help them during break times. Likewise, this relationship helps the older students to gain a sense of purpose within the student community and helps to make a positive difference to others.




Prep Teacher

Mrs Stephanie Cox

Education Week: National Simultaneous Storytime & Scholastic Book Fair 


National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event celebrated by over a million students nationally. On Wednesday, May 25th, at 11:00 am, all Lakeside Primary School students, along with many pre-schools, primary schools, bookshops, child-care centres, homes and libraries across Australia, join together to read the book Family Tree. 



In its 22nd year, this event promotes the value of reading and literacy whilst also building a literacy community. Students will also participate in special literacy activities on this day to celebrate and further explore Family Tree. This same week we will also be hosting our annual Scholastic Book Fair. Books will be available for purchase on Friday the 20th of May, Monday the 23rd of May, Tuesday the 24th of May, and Wednesday the 25th of May from 3 to 3:30pm. Eftpos will be available to make purchases. This fair is much loved and valued by our students and families. 



Leading up to the fair, class teachers will take students during class time through the fair for students to generate their “wish lists”, which will then be taken home. Please feel free to come along and look at the books on offer. 


The stall will be held in the undercover areas in our courtyard.