Deputy Principal, Wellbeing 

Pastoral Care

Dear Parents,

The Victorian Government has announced it is extending the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) screening program for the first four weeks of Term Two.

We should receive our RATs for the first two weeks in early April. These will be handed out on the first day or school. It is still recommended and encouraged that students test twice a week and ask that students test first morning for Term Two (27 April). 

We are waiting on further advice regarding the 7-day isolation period for close contacts which is currently under review. 


Term Two Uniform

Students will begin Term Two in full winter uniform on Wednesday 27th April. Long sleeve blue shirts 

Navy V neck pullover school jumper

School grey trousers or regulation winter skirt or Pinafore (Prep – Yr4)

School Blazer 

Grey or black socks for boys

Ribbed navy school stockings or mid-calf navy socks for girls


Black lace-up or buckle leather regulation school shoes


Wishing all our College families a very special Easter holiday. Keep safe! 



Deputy Principal, Wellbeing typing your article in here


Standing Tall Mentoring in Schools Program

Students participating in the Standing Tall program have enjoyed spending time with their mentors each week, and it has been great to run our sessions at school after having to be off-site in 2021. Thanks to the Haley family for donating some board games for the Standing Tall program, they have already been well used! We are looking forward to an Easter quiz Thursday this week to celebrate the end of the term. Some of our first term highlights include: 

  • William and Finlay showing the 3D printers and robotics equipment to their mentors John and Adrian. 
  • Andy receiving a lovely birthday card and gift from his mentor Claire and finally catching up after many attempts!
  • Elsie meeting her mentors (Bec) three day old, beautiful baby girl, Sable. So very special!

We thank our amazing mentors who volunteer one hour each week to be a supportive person in the lives of our College students. It is a highlight of the week for the students, and also me! 

I have included a graphic below about self-talk from Whole Hearted School Counselling, something to think about over the holiday break for students. It is amazing how changing a few words can change meaning and understanding. 

Have a fabulous, safe and restful holiday break, I look forward to seeing everyone again in Term Two. 



Student Counsellor