Principal's message

It is the end of Term 3! Where did that time go?


There is so much to celebrate for students, teachers and our community. 


As a community we have worked together to bring about the best outcomes for our children. This could have been by attending Learning Conversations or Assembly. You may have helped at one of the events held this term; Golf Day, Deb Ball, Footy Colours Day, Father's/Special Persons Day or Breakfast Club.


The teachers have participated in new learning with the intention to improve their practice in the classroom. They have worked together to plan for and host the Activity Days held for NAIDOC Week, Science Week, Book Week and RU OK Day. They have planned excursions and looked to provide alternate play spaces during recess and lunch for students that need something different to do.


Our students - Your children have been the reason we do what we do! 

They have approached learning with enthusiasm, most of the time. They have asked questions and looked to make suggestions in areas that we might not notice like they do.


Looking towards Term 4, we are planning for camps, swimming, athletics and transition for all students. 


The calendar at the end of the newsletter has as much information in it as possible. Please pop the dates onto your calendar. 


Thank you for your support and cooperation this term. Have a well earned rest and we look forward to welcoming you through the front door our our new administration / staff space.