Senior School

Photo: Year 12 Parade @ DSC Athletics Day 2022

On behalf of the Senior School team, we would like to congratulate all Senior School students on the way that they have conducted themselves in Term 1, in what has been a busy start to the year. It’s taken some time to get used to being face-to-face consistently and adjusting to the expectations that come as a Senior School student as well as, for many students, manage COVID interruptions. We hope that all students enjoy their school break and we look forward to seeing everyone in Term 2.


Elly Stewart, Excellence Teaching Learning Leader

on behalf of the Senior School team



Here is what we’ve up to in Senior School this term:


Elevate Education

In Term 1, we had presenters from Elevate Education come out to speak to our Year 10 and 11 students about ‘Study Habits’ and ‘Time Management’ respectively. These sessions expose our students to helpful strategies to incorporate when studying independently and the classroom, and help them manage the time pressures and stress that come as a Senior School student. 


We look forward to seeing Elevate with our Year 12’s in Term 2.


Applied Learning 

This term has been exciting in the applied learning sphere. 


Students have commenced their School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships as well as their VET Courses. Parents and students were invited to hear about the Applied Learning Certificate and its requirements at a Parent Information Night. The commencement of these employment pathways have been an exciting yet challenging feat for students to be entering the ‘world of work’ and vocational education. 


The Applied Learning team had the pleasure of attending the Fountains Restaurant in Box Hill, where Doncaster students undertaking their hospitality traineeship showcased their Front of House skills including making coffees!



In the applied learning classroom, students have embarked on projects in order to foster leadership, communication and teamwork skills as well engage the school community. 


The intermediate VCAL students have also been contributing to the school community by preparing cooked breakfasts for the school Breakfast Club. This has been a small but regular way Applied Learning students have demonstrated a sense of responsibility to their peers and school community. 


We are looking forward to our Applied Learning students undertaking bigger and better projects as the year progresses!

Senior School PLCs

Throughout this Term, Senior School teachers have been meeting on a Tuesday as part of the Professional Learning Communities. PLCs allow teachers to analyse data closely through the use of past VCE data and formative testing of their current students, to gauge the level of understanding on a specific concept/skill. Working in small groups, teachers then chose a particular strategy/strategies to try and move that level of understanding by the end of the cycle.


Many of the Senior School PLC teams focused on the deciphering of data across a range of subjects – including PE, HHD, Arts/Tech and Maths. PLCs have been an overall really positive experience in Term 1 and staff are embracing the opportunity to closely collaborate with other teachers, and enjoying the focus on moving specific data values. We are looking forward to building on our PLC success in the coming terms. 

VCE PE Incursion

It was great to have Tyler from METS Education come in over Week 7, to run a Year 12 PE practical session with all our Unit 3/4 students, which incorporated all the biomechanical principles that we’ve been learning about I Unit 3, using a range of technology and equipment. Students were exposed to principles using timing gates, force plates, sporting equipment and motion sensors. The data collated was used in the students’ SACs. It was great to see the students engaging in the session, and a big thanks to Tyler for his expertise!


Senior Girls Netball

On Friday 1st April, we took three teams to Senior Girls Netball, held at Maclay Park. It was wonderful to have near 30 Year 11 and 12 girls commit to representing the school in netball. It was perfect day for playing netball, and the girls all showed great spirit and teamwork throughout the day. All teams played 3.5 hours of netball and there were a lot of sore legs and feet by the end of the day! Although we didn't get too many wins on the board, we had a great day and really embraced the opportunity to be out playing sport in the community. Mr McMaster and I were very proud of the Donny spirit on display, well done girls!

DSC Games Day by Senior VCAL

We are immensely proud of our Senior VCAL students who conducted the DSC Games Day, where they engaged the school community in a variety of ‘minute-to-win-it’ style games in the Quadrangle at lunchtime. Hundreds of students participated, and there was much fun and prizes to be won. It took organisation skills, a sense of responsibility and attention to detail to make this project happen, congratulations to these students once again. 

- Elly Stewart, Excellence Teaching Learning Leader


On Tuesday 15th March, the Senior VCAL cohort successfully organised the first DSC Games Day during lunchtime. They sought to promote positive connections in the school by organising fun and interactive games for all students to participate. 



And what a turn out it was! Hundreds of students participated in a variety of ‘minute to win it’ games including donut eating competitions, bean bag toss, the Timtam game, push up competitions, paper plane competitions, cup stacking contests, a pie-throwing game and shooting goals!



We are immensely proud of the Senior VCAL cohort for organising such a fun, interactive lunchtime for the rest of the school, and can’t wait to see what else they have in store for us!


Ramya Annavarapu

Excellence Teaching Learning Leader

Year 10 Careers

Year 10 students have been focussing on Careers Education during Term 1. They have completed their Managed Individual Pathway interview (MIPs) where they were able to discuss future pathways, subject and pathways options as well as their interests. They were provided with relevant resources to help them in making informed decisions about options for their future. This is a great follow on from the Morrisby Interviews the students completed during Year 9. 


Students have spent time during their Discovery class researching different locations that they may like to attend for Careers Experience Week, happening in the final week of Term 2 (June 20-24th). Students have been developing and utilising their professional communication skills to contact companies and organise a time to meet and complete relevant paperwork. The senior school team is greatly looking forward to hearing about their experiences in the work force!

VCE French:

Murder Party at The Kino

On Thursday the 31st of March, the VCE French class had the opportunity to become immersed in the French culture of Melbourne. Students enjoyed a delicious meal of expertly-made crepes at Breizoz Creperie in Fitzroy before attending the French Film Festival at The Kino to watch Murder Party. 
At Breizoz, everyone employed their French skills to order their meal in French, which consisted of non-alcoholic apple ciders and traditional savoury and sweet crepes. Breizoz is a very traditional French creperie with friendly staff and delicious food.


The film, Murder Party, took on an interesting recreation of the classic board game Cluedo and included an unexpected plot twist that kept everyone entertained for the entirety of the film. 
In conclusion, the excursion was a very enjoyable and memorable experience for all who participated. A big thank you to Madame Berthié for organising the event. 


Keiana T., Kiana P. & George G. 

Year 12 French 



We left school together at 10am and took the bus. Our first stop was Breizoz. The environment was nice. We ordered food in French and enjoyed the meal with French music playing in the background. The crepes taste really good.
After eating, we walked to the cinema and watched a French movie called “murder party”. It was exciting and I enjoyed it very much.
Photo was taken on the way to the cinema
Photo was taken on the way to the cinema


We had a great time. Looking forward to the next excursion.


Icy L, Year 11 French