Middle School News

MYSELF program
Term 1 Update
2022’s MYSELF program has started very strongly with many activities and excursions that have taken place. Below are examples from three of the MYSELF subjects that ran this term.
Tony Leung
on behalf of the Middle School team
Throughout this term, our Yr. 9 students took control of their learning and planned some amazing experiences that tested their problem solving, teamwork, resilience and leadership skills. We went Rock Climbing, explored Wurundjeri country at Redwood Forest, Orienteering in Ruffey Lake Park, and also cooked sustainable meals on Trangia’s. Most recently we made our way to Wadawurrung country, for our Sailing Camp.
The students navigated the public transport network all the way to Geelong where we had two sailing lessons on the foreshore. We walked to the natural mineral spring, and they planned, purchased and cooked their dinner, breakfast and lunch with their team budget. The students were so positive, inclusive and prepared to negotiate their way to the best solutions. I am so immensely proud of how far they have come since week 1 of this term.
I cannot wait to see how they use these skills in term 2,3 &4, as they apply themselves to different subject focuses.
Lisa Chiuchiarelli
Positive Climate Leader
MyFolio: Journal reflections
Indoor Rock climbing excursion:
Throughout the term, these forensic students have been using their critical thinking skills to solve many crimes through the lens of science! To put what they have learnt into practice, they have been able to apply their skills at Adventure Rooms Melbourne which also tested their teamwork and resilience.
It is so easy for us to forget that for quite a number of our children (especially due to COVID) may not have experienced the many wonderful things our CBD has to offer. Through MyCity, not only do they learn essential skills such as navigating their way through the city and learning to take public transport, they also are exposed to Melbourne’s rich history! Below includes photos from the O’Brien Icehouse and the MCG.
Ice Skating:
On Wednesday 16th March, the Year 9 MyCity class attended an ice-skating excursion at the O’Brien Icehouse. After some trial and error in finding the correct helmet and skate size, we started the day with an introductory ice-skating lesson. The students learnt how to skate forwards and backwards, turning mechanisms, and most importantly, how to fall (somewhat graciously).
After practicing our new skills with the instructor, we were finally ready to attempt our best Steven Bradbury impersonations and the students took off around the ring. Whilst it was many of the students' first time donning the skates, it was amazing to see how quickly their confidence and skills improved.
After spending some time skating laps, learning the importance of equilibrium, and enduring sore feet, we walked to The District Docklands to have a well-earned break and lunch stop. We then made the journey back to the tram stop to catch the bus back to Doncaster. From all accounts, it was an enjoyable and fun day, but nonetheless challenging!
Abbey H., Year 9
A visit to the MCG
On Wednesday, 9th March, the first MyCity Program excursion in 2022 took place, and it was a great pleasure to have the opportunity to be part of it again.
We visited one of the most emblematic icons of the city: the Melbourne Cricket Ground, a place of unique significance and longstanding tradition.
After arriving at the location via public transport and getting some quick refreshments, the students stopped by the statue of Shane Warne, surrounded by flowers and all sorts of “Aussie” gadgets, to pay homage to the cricket legend who recently left us.
We then stepped into the venue, where our guide Ian, nice and knowledgeable, took the class through a tour that lasted about one hour, explaining the hard work and accuracy required to maintain the playing field in proper condition and many more interesting details.
Everyone was particularly excited about sitting on the benches in the changing room and listening to Ian’s discourse, which created almost the feeling of a pre-or post-game pep talk.
In the press room, some of the students were photographed, as if they were confronting the media after a game and in the members only area the feeling of elegance and exclusivity was palpable. Everything was extraordinary and unique, down to the exceptional photo of Sir Donald Bradman, considered the greatest batsman in cricket history, celebrating his 90th birthday, of which only four copies exist in the world.
After admiring the tapestry representing the history and evolution of cricket and footy, we thanked Ian and wrapped up our visit.
There was just time to have lunch at Melbourne Central Station food court before hopping on the bus and make our way back to school perfectly on time.
Needless to say, our students were irreprehensible all along – even our tour guide complimented them for their manners.
Having enjoyed this excursion so much, we really look forward to the next one!
Maria Cagiati
Italian Language Assistant
MyCity excursion
It is a well-known fact that there is nothing more alluring to a year 9 ‘Myself Program’ student than the promise of tasty Krispy Kreme donuts and ice-cold Slurpee’s offered by that well known health food institution, 7eleven. That is why, on Wednesday 30th March, that bastion of healthy living was the first item on the agenda for the student led excursion into ‘the big smoke’ (the city).
Whilst the novelty of visiting a 7eleven store is certainly noteworthy, unsurprisingly it was the trip down Hosier Lane which gave the students something to write home about. Cameras abounded as Melbourne’s most popular photo destination piqued the intrigue of many a student.
However, ask your child about Federation Square and it is likely the response will be brief, as a more in-depth exploration of that distinctly Melbournian icon was foregone in favour of Ms Gucciardo’s singular desire to visit the Block Arcade. Ms Gucciardo’s judgement in favour of this retro arcade proved to be popular with the My City students as they enjoyed the boutique window shopping experience and a picture of life from a time gone by.
A hop, skip and a jump away lay the famed Australian Centre of the Moving Image, and it goes without saying that no student led visit to the city would be complete without visiting this shrine of Australian televisual entertainment. Not only were the students entranced by the wall of controllers, but they were treated to an interaction with their fellow city-going compatriots, the My Photography class! Chaos soon ensued as these city-going pilgrims swapped tales of the day and discussed their newfound appreciation for the metropolitan way of life.
A quick journey to Melbourne Central saw these now well-worn travellers delve into a midday morsel and replenish their calorie reserves whilst reminiscing wistfully of the morning that had been.
The journey into the city earlier in the day had been made by a charter bus, courtesy of Kinetic bus company, however for this post meridian homeward bound trek, ‘all aboard’ a public bus and a quick sojourn along the scenic eastern freeway brought these intrepid travellers back to the familiarity of school.
Overall, a good day was had by all, and it is hoped that each of the students has a memorable experience from the day!
Mildred Garcia
Wellbeing Team
NAPLAN Testing
As children progress through their school years, it is very important that checks are made along the way to see how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and mathematics – skills that will set them upon the path to success as adults.
NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and carers to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress.
Federal, state and territory education ministers agreed to transition NAPLAN online for 2022. NAPLAN online is a tailored test that adapts to student responses, providing better assessment and more precise results. Therefore, it is imperative that your child brings a fully charged laptop and wired earphones for the dates of the 10th of May to the 13th of May.
Read the NAPLAN information brochure for parents and carers for frequently asked questions.
To see the types of questions and functionalities in the online tests, visit the public demonstration site page.
Morrisby Profiling
Year 9 students are being offered a wonderful Career Education opportunity by the Department of Education and the State Government, known as “My Career Insights”. This program will assist students in making more informed choices about subject selection, vocational training, senior secondary school certificates and further study. This cost of this service is being covered in Government Schools so that extra support and more in-depth Career Education can occur for Year 9 students. The Department of Education and Training has engaged the Career Education Association of Victoria to deliver the services in partnership with the Victorian distributor of Morrisby Online, Career Analysts Pty Ltd. The program includes:
- an online personal career discovery tool that identifies potential suitable careers in a report
- analysis of their career assessment report by an accredited career practitioner
- a follow-up one-on-one career counselling session to discuss the outcomes of their assessment and future options
This service will begin on Monday the 2nd May.
Sometime later in Term 2, students will be given a time to have a one-on-one careers counselling session to discuss their outcomes. There is now an event posted on Compass to allow permission for your child to participate in this opportunity and there is no cost. Students require consent to be able to access this service. If students have any questions, they can speak to their DiSCovery teacher, any of the leaders in the Middle School Office or email Career Support Donna.mckinlay@education.vic.gov.au. Students who completed this program last year where overwhelmingly positive about the personal insights it provided to them. Parent fact sheets are attached and are also included with the Compass Event resources.
Parent Compass Portal Tutorial Videos
After clicking the links below, you will be directed to a short registration page which you need to complete before the video loads.
● The Parent Portal overview: Parents are taken through aspects such as how to access their child’s information, the menu content, newsfeed and more to assist with becoming familiar with their parent portal.
● Adding a note/approval: Parents are shown the process of adding a note to explain their child’s attendance after their child has been marked NP/U or L/U and also how to add a note in advance for a known upcoming absence.
● Processing Events: This video covers the process of how parents can consent/pay online for events via the parent portal.
Year 9 End of Term 1 Assembly
On Thursday the 31st if March, our Year 9 class leaders ran an assembly for their cohort. During the assembly, our leaders were able to use survey data to share with their peers what they wanted to see happen more in the classroom. They described the behaviours that they wanted to see in their class and their teachers, and celebrated the many successes that have already happened thus far in the year.
Enhancing study skills
Is your child only flicking back through their notes when they are asked to study? Can they not tell the difference between completing homework and studying? To make their study time more effective, watch this video below on developing Cornell notes!