International Students

Victorian Global Learning Awards 2022
Homestay Family category
For the 2022 Victorian Global Learning Awards, our homestay Alvin TIAN has been selected as one of the finalists for the Homestay Family of the Year Award. It’s the very first time that one of our caring homestay families has been nominated and it’s a great acknowledgment and recognition to all the hard work our homestay families put into our international students.
The student who lives with Alvin is a Y11 international student Mike CAI. I also want to share with you his written testimonial about his homestay family:
My homestay makes me feel safe and part of family. During the lockdown, it was difficult to adapt to remote learning. My homestay allowed me to move around the house with my work to encourage different learning environments and stimulate my concentration. They assisted me in my study and we also found online tutoring classes together. They supported me by preparing heathy meals every day and accompanying me while I exercise daily. After the lockdown, my homestay recommended social activities and we joined a fencing club. For my safety they would drive me and pick me up from school daily. My homestay would drive me to my fencing classes every week to avoid public transport.
They are always there for me during my struggles, I would also confide to Alvin like he is my older brother. He would share his life experience such as study tips and health advice. We would go out to nice restaurants for my birthday and celebrations.
Alvin always tries to improve my life and experience, he recommended me to learning how to drive and be independent. We studied the driving course and completed many tests before going to the exam. I passed my learners permit test and was very excited. I am also having driving lessons with Alvin during the school holidays.
My homestay is my second family and they always lookout for my wellbeing. They are kind and patient and always makes me feel safe. I am blessed to have met them and will continue to work hard to achieve my goals.
- Mike CAI
Victorian Global Learning Awards Ambassador Award Finalist
Harry BUI has been selected as a finalist for the 2022 Ambassador Award International Student of the Year, which is part of the Victorian Global Learning Awards Program.
The Ambassador Award recipient will have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, the ability to represent Victorian schools, and leadership through engaging with both the school and wider community.
Harry has had a formal interview with a Judging Panel on Tuesday 5th April. If he wins, that would be the highest award an international student can receive in Victoria! We wish our Harry all the best for his interview!
2022 Global Citizenship Award
Filming Day
Harry BUI has been selected as a finalist in the Global Citizenship Award category AGAIN this year! The Department of Education sent a production crew to make a film at DSC for his nomination on 10th March and it was a great success. The weather was fabulous, and we picked a perfect day again just like we did last year!
Harry returned to DSC with a fantastic new haircut and pink hair colour. Compared to last year, this film covered different scenes such as the Performance Centre, music department, food and technology department, online conference and learning, and of course our lovely wellbeing garden.
Big congratulations to Harry and we can’t wait to see the final product of this film.
Manningham Youth Advisory Committee
Our international student, Berry EAIN, has been selected as the youth ambassador of Manningham youth advisory committee. She is the only international student in this committee and here is her feedback of being part of it:
What is the Manningham youth advisory committee?
The Youth Advisory Council gives young people aged 16-25, the opportunity to get involved in community and civic activities, express their ideas, and be heard and valued as well as providing leadership opportunities.
What ‘s your role in this committee?
My role at the committee is a youth ambassador, we do not contribute to making any decision makings, however, we share our ideas and opinions on how to improve in the Manningham council.
Why do you want to be part of it and what do you want to contribute to it?
I wanted to be part of it to understand more about my community and contribute to making changes from the perspective of an international student.
Tell us more about your first meeting?
The first meeting was an introduction to the council, and it was an opportunity for the members to get to know each other. We raised awareness on how to promote financial education through platforms such as the internet and social media as well as discussions around community leisure activities such as parks and sports stadiums.
Attendance Awards:
International students, Term 1
Congratulations to those students who have Excellent attendance in Term 1. You have shown us your ability of being resilient and being responsible for your own study.
- LIU, Ruisen, 7D
- WANG, Nikki, 7C
- XUE, Peter, 7D
- LU, Cynthia, 9H
- ZHENG, Eric, 9A
- HUANG, Linya, 10G
- CAI, Mike, 11I
- TAN, Tracy, 11I
- WANG, Oliver, 11I
- WANG, Frank, 11I
- ZHAO, Sylvia, 11I
- NG, Chris, 12B
- NGUYEN, Winnie, 12J
Homework Club
Sessions 5 & 6
In Session 5 and Session 6, our Homework Club has covered the topics of Culture Shock, Signs of Mental Illness and information in regard of school clubs and activities.
Students shared their Culture Shock stories. For example, in their home country, they don’t say “Excuse me. Thank you……” all that frequently, especially when they are helped by classmates or people they are familiar with. This could be treated as rude in Australia. Furthermore, Aussie people are using a lot of slang words which are so hard for them to follow and understand. Obviously, it will take a little bit more time for the international students to adapt to Australian culture.
Our students are aware that mental illness is not shameful. Mental illness should be treated professionally and not keep it a secret and burdening themselves. International students would experience fairly more stress as they relocated to a new country with new language and new culture and they, in the meanwhile, are having the same issues as the teenagers would have. They are encouraged to talk to their friends, teachers, wellbeing staff, parents or Hotlines such as: Kid help Hotline, Beyond Blue etc for help if they are having any problems and issues with their study or with their wellbeing.
All new students are encouraged to take part in one of school clubs or activities. We are happy to see that every one of them has registered at least one club, such as: Badminton club, Breakfast club, Art club, etc.
I would like to join in more clubs to keep me busy and have more opportunities to make friends in school.
- Esther, Year 7
Sally Huang
Director International Student Program