Legal Studies

AMAZING RACE for Civil Dispute Resolution!

After much success last year and a bit of re-branding, on 20 October 2020, students of Unit 2 VCE Legal Studies took advantage of being back onsite and participated in the “Amazing Race for Civil Dispute Resolution”!


This scavenger-hunt activity had students racing around school, finding clues and exploring the various options available to help resolve disputes in the Victorian civil justice system – whether it be personal injuries (negligence), consumer disputes, issues between landlords and tenants, defamation, challenging a Will, family or property law. Each of the hypothetical scenarios the students explored described real-life experiences the students are quite likely to face in the near future, if they hadn’t already. While the media is determined to cover mainly criminal cases, it is civil law that touches our lives more often and on a regular basis.


Some excellent results in the subsequent SAC on civil law was testament to the fact that making connections between what is learnt in the classroom and real-life scenarios consolidates true understanding and fosters effective learning.



The Amazing Race was a fun and informative experience, the students stating that they learnt a lot as well as getting some well overdue exercise after a year hampered by lockdowns. Here’s hoping we can continue the tradition in 2021, and perhaps while not even wearing face masks...









Jacinta Marlborough 

Legal Studies Teacher