Student Wellbeing 


Our 2021 School Captains were selected at the end of last year.  Many students gave a presentation about themselves the role of a School Captain and the 2020 Year 11 students voted of their preferred captains.


Our Captains are students who consistently display the school values of Honesty, Respect, Cooperation, Personal Best and Inclusion.

Above all our Captains are good role models and have:

  • Positive leadership skills.
  • A strong Concord School 'Spirit'
  • A supportive, caring and fair attitude.

It was such a close election that we decided to appoint Vice Captains as well as Captains.

Congratulations to Brianna Killen and Benjamin DeLuca who are our 2021 Concord School Captains and to Gurrenah Foley and Luca Zappone who are our 2021 Concord School Vice Captains.




A reminder please that if you drop your child at the Bundoora Campus you must ensure they sign in at the Kiosk in the front office. This is an important safety requirement.


Successful learning and social development depends on a number of things, the most basic is coming to school every day. While we understand many of our students have extra challenges, they need to attend school every day they possibly can.


Children who regularly attend school and complete Year 12 have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. 

It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.


 Student responsibilities: 

•             Attend school every school day.

•             Arrive at school and classes on time and prepared.

•             Talk to a teacher if you have issues that might impact on your ability to attend                          school/class.

Parent/carer responsibilities: 

•             Ensure your child attends Concord School every school day.

•             Ensure they arrive at school between at 8:45am and 8:55am.

•             Provide a valid explanation for a student’s absence/lateness. This can be done on                  the Compass parent portal or by phone. 

•             Provide the school with advanced notice if there is a planned up-coming school                      absence.

•             Communicate openly with the school any medical condition that may result in                        ongoing absence or medical appointments during school hours.

•             Alert the school early to issues that may impact on your child’s attendance.


It is great to see our Year 7 students in their new secondary school uniform. Our uniform was introduced nearly 9 years ago, one of the key reasons was to have our students dress the same as most secondary school students in the area. Our students are clearly proud of how they look and this contributes to a positive attitude about school.


A reminder that secondary students are to wear black school shoes or all black runners (i.e. no multi colours or white soles)  with their formal uniform.



Colin Simpson

Assistant Principal

Engagement and Wellbeing