Religious Education

Mrs Dale Cain


Welcome to our new and returning families to the 2021 school year.  We look forward to working with you in developing your children's faith.



We are excited that we appear to be able to have groups of students attend Mass under current COVID-19 restrictions.  The students will attend Mass in Year groups at the Cathedral.  The students will join with Parishioners to celebrate Mass on a Wednesday. Students and staff will need to socially distance while in the church.


To enable whole school Mass celebrations Fr Roel has kindly allowed us to hold Masses outside in the school grounds.  This means we can have all of the children attend with reduced social distancing requirements.  Students may sit together in class groups.  We thank Fr Roel very much for supporting us and our students.  We will hold a whole school Mass today to trial the process in preparation for Ash Wednesday.  We are still exploring options for the Mass to badge the captains and vice captains and will keep you informed of plans once they have been finalised.


Catholic Principles & Values

School staff spent some time on our Professional learning days reviewing the Catholic Principles and Values documentation developed by the Catholic Schools Office Armidale. These documents assist teachers when planning to incorporate the explicit teaching of our Catholic perspective across the Key Learning Areas during the school day.