We're a supportive community

After my first week and a half at Cecil Hills High School I already feel like part of the team. The amazing staff and students have all been fantastic in showing me around, helping me find out how things work here and just making me feel welcome. I am very excited to be here working with the dedicated and enthusiastic staff and the friendly students. I am looking forward to getting to know more students and working with parents and community members.
As a school, we are working to increase student attendance. There is a high correlation between regular attendance and success at school. Attending school every day also instills in students positive habits that they can take into future study or the workforce.
It is a government requirement that students are attending school every day and are on time. Although most students at Cecil Hills High School have great attendance, there is a small cohort of students who are not meeting school and government expectations. There are also a number of students who are frequently late. Lateness affects a student's overall attendance and there are consequences here at school and in the workforce for lateness. If your child is late or absent, please notify the school with a note or doctor’s certificate explaining their absence on the first day of their return.
Phone calls and notes are being sent home notifying parents and carers of students who are not meeting attendance expectations. If you need to discuss attendance or lateness, please contact the school on 9822 1430.
Joel Howard
Deputy Principal, Year 6 (transition) and Year 10