Embracing new opportunities

Welcome to all students and parents for what will hopefully be a fantastic year of face to face learning! This week, it has been great to speak to students about their holiday adventures and good times spent with their families and friends and to see how enthusiastic they have been to start the new school year.
Year 11
It has been “all systems go” with Year 11 as they settle into the beginning of their HSC courses. At our recent assembly we talked about the 148 school days (143 now!) that we have until Year 12 begins and the skills, knowledge and routines that we need to develop in that time. There is much to be done, however, our students are very fortunate to have an experienced team of teachers to support them along this journey. As well as their classroom teachers, head teachers and deputy principal, students can also turn to the following teachers for help:
Mr Dunn – Year Adviser
Ms Miletic – Year Adviser
Mr Evans – Senior Coordinator
Mrs Reid – Careers
Mrs Simone – Counsellor
Mr Attard – Counsellor
Mr Brancatti – Student Support Officer
We all look forward to working with our Year 11 students and families to make the next two years as successful and enjoyable as possible!
Year 8
Year 8 have settled in well to their classes and Miss Cupac, Mr Wilcox and I have been impressed with their positivity and confidence heading into the new school year. After such a disrupted first year in high school, students now have new classes and a great opportunity to make new friends and continue to build on the great teamwork that we are already seeing with this group.
This week, students experienced their first taste of their Innovation Electives. These electives are designed to focus on building our CECIL (Communicate, Engage, Collaborate, Innovate, Lead) skills though learning about areas of student interest such as Psychology, School of Rock, Street Art, Just Desserts, Food Lovers, Football, C.S.I, Survivor, Mind Your Own Business, STEM and Xhibit It. I look forward to seeing (and tasting) the projects that students create in these classes!
A reminder to our Year 8 parents. If you need to discuss a class concern, please contact your child’s teacher or the head teacher of that subject via the school office. For any other concerns, please direct enquires to Miss Cupac or Mr Wilcox. We look forward to another excellent year with Year 8!
Michael Lane
Deputy Principal, Year 8 and Year 11