Welcome to high school Year 7

Welcome Year 7 students and parents, especially families who are new to Cecil Hills High School.
It has been an eventful start to the year, with Year 7 attending their first swimming carnival at high school. In addition, Year 7 students have worked with their teachers magnificently to be respectful, responsible and successful learners.
When one student was asked on his first day how he had found the day and how he would rank it out of 10, he replied ‘I would give it 11!’
Students in Year 7 will be completing Best Start Year 7 in Weeks 4 and 5. Parents should have received a note containing information about the two online tests students will complete, one for Reading and one for Numeracy. Each test takes around 30 minutes and will provide fast, accurate and up-to-date information for teachers about students’ skills.
As indicated in the note, students will need plug-in earphones (not airpods) for the test. Students should ensure they bring earphones every day in Weeks 4 and 5.
Julia Cremin
Deputy Principal, Year 7 and Support Unit