S.W.P.B Update
Next week's value is: Resilience
Next week's behaviour focus is:
I will try my best
This week we don't have a video produced by our students but this is one of our favourite videos when addressing resilience, trying your best, never giving up and giving things a 'red hot go'. We hope you enjoy this little pep talk, because right now we could all do with one. Hang in there, you're all doing an amazing job!
SWPBS Presentation
For anyone who is interested in looking at the presentation slide show we presented to a raft of other schools in our network last week, please click on the link and it will take you there.
This presentation is an overview of how we have developed our SWPBS systems over time. It also highlights the trials and tribulations we've had along the way and also and how our teaching and ES staff have refined their practices by paying greater attention to positive behaviours and working through a consistent staged response to behaviours that need correction.