Mrs Jillian Rainger

End of Term 3

We have come to the end of another term. Thank you for supporting our school, unfortunately at a distance this term. This term we have seen some fun activities such as the Paper Aeroplane Competition, Jump Rope for Heart, Mini Olympics and the Secondary activities being held this week. These activities have been led by our Assistant Principal's Miss Bailey and Mrs Dal Santo and supported by staff and students.


 Students have also been working hard in class and we are monitoring their progress. All students except Kindergarten and Year 1 have completed the PAT reading and mathematics tests over the last week. We are seeing great progress and growth with many students so their hard work is paying off. Likewise, our Cold Write data is showing improvements in their writing. Last week there was media attention on student achievement in writing. The hard work of our teachers, students and families with the fortnightly Big Write is paying off as our students are really making progress. Mrs Koch and Mrs Watchirs are instrumental in this work.


This term we have also had our sacramental programs run. Year 3 have made their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion and Year 6 students have been Confirmed. Thank you to Father James, Mrs Guest and our RE teachers for making this possible. 

Thank you to our families who filled out the annual survey. I received the reports today and I will respond to the themes in the first newsletter next term. Your feedback is appreciated and helps us make future plans.

I hope your family has a good break from the routine of school and you enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Take care,

Mrs Jilly Rainger

Notes to be returned this week

Year 6 and Year 7 students have both received notes about the BYOD program. Please return the note to school to indicate you have read the note by this Thursday. 

Families whose children have a Personal Plan and were unable to attend the Family Conferences earlier this term have had the PP's sent home. Please sign the note to say you have seen the PP and return to school. Your support is appreciated.


RED (Read Every Day) Initiative for Term 4 in K-6

A change is coming for K-6 students next term. At the commencement of Term 4 our school is introducing the RED (Read Every Day) Program. We believe that by Reading Every Day our students will enjoy reading a wide range of stories, reading for enjoyment and developing their literacy skills.


This will take place for all students in K-6 instead of any homework and spelling tasks that your child/ren may have been completing. Big Write talk homework will still be sent home fortnightly.


Some examples of reading materials that are suitable are:

Home readers 

Picture books

Chapter books

Graphic novels

Kids News Articles



Audio Books

Online books, eg- Sora 

Storybox Library 

Storyline Online




Fairy Tales 


Our expectations of time spent reading each day will vary for students depending on their age. As a rough guide students in Kindergarten may be reading independently or have books read to them. 


ES1 and S1 reading time per day - 10 minutes

S2 reading time per day - 15 minutes

S3 reading time per day -  20 minutes


Students are asked to complete the Reading Log each day and return to school Friday.