Library News

Libraries:  Life and Literacy


Our library staff at Cranbourne and Clyde North welcome back the St. Peter’s  school community for 2023.

The College Libraries continue to be a space of conversation, learning, reading and discovery.

Students are also invited to special ‘book selection’ lunchtimes where a pop-up bookshop comes to them and the students can opt to read these new books first when they are processed. LEGO clubs will also shortly begin at lunchtimes for those interested, with 2023 bringing new and exciting ‘programmable’ LEGO projects. Stay tuned to the announcements for these special days on each campus on SPACE.

At St. Peter’s College we continue to strive for improved literacy for all our students through the emphasis on the importance of reading regularly and reading to increase understanding in every subject.

  • UNESCO believes that acquiring and improving literacy skills throughout life is an intrinsic part of the right to education and brings with it huge empowerment and benefits. But despite progress globally, 771 million young people and adults still cannot read and write. Literacy drives sustainable development, enables greater participation in the labour market, improves child and family health and nutrition, reduces poverty and expands life opportunities. (UNESCO, 2022).

In Years 7 & 8 the quest for strong literacy skills is strengthened through the Reading Detective lessons which integrate with their English Program. Through this program students are able to read books that they choose themselves and that interest them. The Reading Detective program incorporates a wonderful and rich online program called Beanstack, where students keep a log of books read, of time read, of reviews and also connect with their peers to further their reading tastes. In this first term, it has been wonderful to see the diversity of our readers and the ideas and recommendations that they are giving to each other! We see Ryan, Year 7,  in the picture below reading the biography of Ash Barty: My Dreamtime, a new book in our collection for 2023.

All our students are stakeholders in their libraries by suggesting new books or eBooks to be added to the collections; suggestion forms are in the libraries or speak with the friendly librarians:

Clyde North campus: Ms Young and Ms Trainor

Cranbourne campus: Ms Rowland (Bookhire Manager), Ms Viner (Mon., Tue.) and Ms Burns (Wed - Fri),


If you have an inquiry or would like to chat with us, please email the Library Team at


Joyce Sendeckyj

Head of Library, Cranbourne & Clyde North

