Principal's Report

It’s been an exciting fortnight at SSPS with a focus on writing celebrations . . . 

Students across the school have been engaged in decorating the cover of their personal ‘Writer’s Notebook.’ Last week I was excited to join the presentations of these covers across the year levels. The work that the students had put into creating their own covers to reflect themselves was truly amazing. The writing celebrations then continued this week with the whole school utilising the same ‘writing seed’ and mentor text, ‘Your School is the Best’ by Maggie Hutchings the results again have been truly amazing.

Meet and Greet Conferences

Earlier in the week you would have received a news feed regarding the meet the teacher evening which is scheduled for Wednesday 22nd February. These meetings will give parents the opportunity to meet their child’s 2023 teacher and to communicate anything pertaining to their child’s learning. The booking system is available online through the COMPASS parent portal. I look forward to seeing as many parents/carers at these important exchanges as possible.

Pupil Free Day

Just a reminder that Friday 10th March is a curriculum day (pupil free day), students are not required to attend school.  If you need care for your child you can register and book them into TeamKids.  Andrea Hillbrick, educational consultant will be at school on the Thursday to model effective teaching strategies in writing in the classrooms, then on the Friday Andrea will be unpacking the effectiveness of the strategies and working further on the writing process with the teachers.

The Resilience Project

This year, we are excited to continue with The Resilience Project in our school and implement their wellbeing curriculum throughout our classrooms.


Current research tells us:

  • 1 in 4 adolescents have a mental illness
  • 1 in 7 primary school students have a mental illness
  • 1 in 5 adults will experience mental ill-health throughout the year
  • 65% of adolescents do not seek help for mental illness.

The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to support positive mental health and build resilience. Presentations will include stories and research on how we can support the mental health of the children in our care.


Today, I popped over to the Hall to see the ‘Try Outs’ for the Aerobics, it was amazing. The girls were all totally focused going through their routine, it was fabulous to watch the level of talent on display. I’m looking forward to seeing the teams develop through their rigorous practice schedule as they work towards the competitions.

Fabulous Foundations

The Foundation students are truly amazing they have settled into their classroom routines like they have been at school for much longer than three weeks. The individual assessments taking place each Wednesday until the first week in March, are vital so the teachers can understand the needs and capabilities of each child. 

English Online Assessment

This year, our Year 1 students will be involved in mandatory English Online Testing. This is an extension of the testing the children did at the start of Foundation. This data will be valuable for each classroom teacher as well as the Education Department to assess the needs of this Year One cohort of children across Victoria.


Please save the date Friday 17th March from 5.00 to 7.00 pm for our ‘Welcome Picnic’. The picnic is a wonderful opportunity for all our families to join together and celebrate the start of the school year, especially for all the families who have joined our school community this year. Our next newsletter will have more information about this special school event.


Have a great fortnight.

