Year Levels & Specialist News

Year 5 News

Year Five Llama Get To Know You!

In Year Five, students have made a fantastic return to school.

It has been a pleasure getting to know each student and wonderful to hear all about the amazing adventures they have had over the summer holidays.

In Math’s, we have started exploring place value and using measurement. Students enjoyed measuring their classrooms to create a scaled map.

In literacy, we have been looking at persuasive writing and persuasive structure. Students are creating entertaining arguments, for example, why students should have longer or shorter summer holidays. 

A reminder for students to bring their iPads charged each day and for students to read every night. As it is still summer, if students could bring their hats each day and have their water bottles.


Looking forward to an amazing year ahead,

Melissa Kah and Tim Andrews


PE/Sports News

Swim Team Trials 2023

Trials will be held at GESAC on Thursday 9th February between 4:00 – 5:00pm.

Trials are for all Year 4 to 6 students. Please give 'consent' to the event on Compass as your way of notifying Mr Pannam of your child's participation. 

Parents are required to arrange their own form transportation to/from the venue. There is no cost for this event, other than the pool entry fee to be paid on arrival. 

The team will be selected based on these results. The District Swim Carnival will be held on Monday, March 6th at GESAC.

Parental help is essential for the trials to go smoothly. If you are able to assist in the running of the trials (timing, recording etc.) you muct have a valid Working With Childrens Card and complete the school's Child Safe Code of Conduct with the front office. 

Please email Mr Pannam if you are able to assist. 


Year 6 Summer Interschool Sport Competition

Teams have been selected for the Year 6 2023 Inter-School Summer Sport Competition. The summer competition runs throughout first and fourth terms. Term one is the first half of the fixture with fourth term completing the fixture. Students can’t change teams. The competition begins on Friday, February 3rd with a Lightning Premiership. This day is designed for students to better understand their sport and learn specific rules of their chosen sport. 

There will be 7 rounds in each of term 1 and term four. A fixture will be sent home once we have finalized the draw.


Year 6 Kayaking

This year the Year 6 cohort go to Karkarook Park for two days of water safety, first aid and kayaking. They will enhance their knowledge of water safety, learn first aid skills and have a great day on the water. The sessions are conducted by qualifies coaches from Kayak Victoria. Payment & Consent is required via compass which made available soon. 


House Cross Country

Our annual House Cross Country Carnival will be held at Karkarook Park. The competition is for Years 4 to 6. The top 8 boys and girls in each age group will go on to represent the school in the Moorabbin District Carnival also held at Karkarook Park in Term 2. Payment & Conset is required via Compass which will be made available in the coming weeks. 

If you are able to assist as a marshal on the day and have a valid Working With Childrens Card and have completed the school's Child Safe Code of Conduct with the front office, please contact Mr Pannam