KLA News 

This fortnight we hear from the English, Science, TAS, CAPA & PE Key Learning Areas.

Celebrating Student Learning in Science


Greetings everyone!


We are excited to share the amazing learning that is happening in the science classrooms at our school. Our students are exploring fascinating topics and gaining a deeper understanding of the natural world around us.


Year 10 students are delving into the complex topics of genetics and evolution, exploring how species change over time and the role that genetics plays in this process. Through hands-on activities and experiments, they are gaining a deeper appreciation for the intricate processes that drive evolution.


Year 9 students are exploring the intricacies of the nervous and endocrine systems, learning about how the body receives, processes, and responds to stimuli. They are gaining a deeper understanding of the amazing ways in which the human body is designed to keep us healthy and functioning.


Year 8 students are learning about energy, exploring the various forms it can take and how it is transferred and transformed in different systems. They are gaining a deeper appreciation for the importance of energy in our daily lives and the ways in which we can use it sustainably.


Year 7 students are getting a strong foundation in science, learning about the basics of living things and classification. They are exploring the ways in which scientists categorize and understand the diverse range of organisms on our planet.


We are so proud of the hard work and dedication our students are showing in their science classes. We are confident that their learning will serve them well in the future, providing them with a solid foundation for future scientific exploration and discovery.

Also, we have the pleasure of welcoming two teachers in Science this year; Ms Laura Phillips and Mr Luke Andrews. Both of these teachers come with a wide range experiences from a number of different schools. The new perspectives that these teachers bring continue to help Science being taught in an interesting and interactive way at our school.


Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting learning happening in our science classrooms!


Mr Daniel Fittler


TAS - Safety, Safety, Safety


Below is a list quotes from the World Day for Safety and Health at Work website, each one outlining how important safety is to the workplace which includes schools


·    Safety is our No1 Priority.

·    Safety is No Accident.

·    Take 5 and Stay Alive.

·    Unsure? Stop work!

·    Luck is not a safeguard.

·    More care, less cost.

·    Safe driving saves lives.

·    Live to ride another day.


Like the first quote on the list, “Safety is our No.1 Priority”, in the Technology Faculty at O’Connor. At this time of year teachers are busy providing safety instruction and helping students complete numerous mandatory safety tests before they enter the practical environments such as the farm, workshops & kitchens.


At O’Connor we use the online ONGUARD safety system which provides a record to students and staff of all safety tests completed. More information on this system can be found at www.onguardsafety.com.au or by asking your child to log on and to show you the resources available.


In a recent letter to all Stage 4 parents I outlined a number of points to ensure a smooth transition into a new academic year and I would ask all parents of students studying TAS subjects to consider them.


-Technology subjects involve practical activities involving specialist equipment.


-All students MUST complete the necessary safety instruction and complete the relevant safety tests using the ONGUARD Safety Portal.


-In practical environments students must wear suitable leather school shoes to protect their feet (Please see attached diagram of what constitutes suitable school shoes for practical activities)


-In line with WH&S (Work, Health & Safety) guidelines and to ensure the safety of both students and staff, all students MUST adhere to safety rules and directions. Failure to do this will result in the student being removed from the practical environment.


PLEASE NOTE: We do keep a supply of old shoes for students who may have forgotten theirs. Students are not to rely on these shoes but bring their own. If you have an old pair of shoes you wish to donate, please give them to your teacher.


Yours in safety,

Jon Hawthorne


LOL TAS (Technology & Applied Studies)





Welcome back to 2023! We have a number of exciting opportunities for our students in the creative and performing arts space this year, including moving into the long awaited new building later in the year (fingers crossed). This year we have Mrs Wooster, Mrs Frazier and Mr Fulloon teaching Visual Arts, Miss Plane teaching Drama and Miss Suann and Miss Sampson teaching Music. 


Year 7 Enrichment Music Class

This year we will be offering an enrichment music class for students in year 7 who have already been learning an instrument prior to commencing high school. This class will run during the normal timetabled CAPA classes and aims to extend students skills in playing, reading and creating music. 


Instrumental Lessons 

If you are interested in learning an instrument please fill in the following form so that we can get you in touch with a tutor. 



Co-Curricular Programme

We have a range of ensembles and clubs to cater for all interests and abilities. Our full Co-Curricular programme will be back up and running in week 3.



Sydney Youth Orchestra Camp

For the first time in 2023, SYO will be taking their annual Youth Orchestral Camp regional. Over 200 musicians will be traveling from Sydney to Armidale to join forces with 80 young musicians from regional NSW for a week of intensive rehearsals, tutorials and concerts. In partnership with the Department of Regional Youth, SYO are delighted to offer up to 80 full scholarships to regional participants in year 7 and above. Open to regional musicians only (must live 200km or more from the Sydney CBD).


Dates: 11th to 15th April 2023

Location: The Armidale School

Cost: FREE for up to 80 regional participants who live more than 200 kilometers from  the Sydney CBD

Includes: All training, meals, accommodation and travel within camp dates. Excludes travel to and from Armidale

Register: Register your Expression of Interest here by Wednesday 1st of March 2023 as places are strictly limited. 


Please note the following conditions:

  • Year 7 to Tertiary age in 2023
  • AMEB Grade 5 or equivalent and above on an orchestral instrument (there are four orchestras ranging in experience from Grade 5 to AMus/LMus)
  • Must have a private instrumental tutor
  • Must have some large ensemble experience
  • Video auditions may be required after the Expression of Interest process
  • All musicians are required to bring their OWN instruments (excluding large percussion instruments)

Melanie Sampson



The PDHPE Department welcomes all parents, students and staff to the new school year! 

We would love to introduce our Department for 2023, which includes some familiar and some new faces! Mrs Felicity Magann, Ms Natalie Mellowship, Mrs Camilla Clydsdale, Mrs Amber Smith (Picture below - left), Mr James Russell and Miss Lillian Fryar (pictured below - right). 

Last week the following letter was sent home to all students and parents:


PDHPE At O’Connor


Dear Sir/Madam, 


Welcome to the Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Department at O’Connor Catholic College. Years 7-10 PDHPE is a compulsory part of your child’s education. Our department aims to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to take action to protect and enhance your child’s own, and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts that they may experience in life. Physical Education is fundamental to the acquisition of movement skills and concepts to enable students to participate in a range of physical activities – confidently, competently and creatively. 


To ensure a smooth transition into a new academic year, our department has put together some useful information for both you and your child. 


For all PDHPE lessons that say GYM or OVAL on Compass your child has a practical PDHPE lesson where they will need to wear their correct sports uniform for the entire school day.


The correct compulsory O’Connor sports uniform consists of: 

  • OCC Polo Shirt
  • OCC Shorts
  • OCC Track pants
  • OCC Hoodie
  • OCC Tracksuit top
  • OCC Hat or cap 
  • Plain white or black socks (No logos)
  • Joggers (Supportive athletics shoes - no Converse, no skate style shoes, Vans etc) 

Mobile or digital devices are not required for practical lessons (unless requested by the teacher) and these devices are to remain in student bags. All students will need a charged device, exercise book, student diary and a well equipped pencil case for all theory lessons. 


Year 10 PASS have started their new unit "Event Management", their first mini event was running a games and activities session for our Year 8 students. This took place on Thursday, when students were dressed in their house colours ready for our Annual Swimming Carnival. Well done to our Yr 10 Event Leaders!



If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this document or anything PDHPE related, please feel free to contact the College or your child’s PDHPE teacher. 


Yours Faithfully

Camilla Clydsdale


PDHPE Leader of Learning

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Department

O’Connor Catholic College Armidale 





The English Faculty warmly welcomes all parents, students and staff to the new school year! 


This year our faculty consists of many familiar faces, some new, and some who have been with us before but are returning for the year! Our English team is as follows; Mrs Glenda Lemon, Mr Stephen Kirkaldy, Ms Elizabeth Plane, Mrs Elizabeth Campbell, Ms Lauren Donnelly, Mr Michael Wooster, Jessica Armfield and Ms Brittany Berwise! 

As always, we advocate that we have our students reading and we encourage that this practice continues at home! Our library has a wide selection of stories in a variety of forms so please feel free to pop in and borrow something! You never know when you may discover your new favourite.


What is happening in English this term? 

Year 7 


Welcome Team Toucans and Team Tigers! This year, the Year 7 English classes have been split into two teams, the Toucans and the Tigers. Throughout Term 1, As a team, they will be learning about the concept of ‘survival’ and how composers capture vital characteristics such as resilience, perseverance and determination in their texts. As the unit progresses we will continue to develop our creative and analytical writing skills and consider the importance of storytelling. 


Team Tiger will be reading the novel, ‘Hatchet’ whilst Team Toucan will be reading ‘The Silver Sword’ in class. 


Year 8

Year 8 is starting the unit, ‘Happily Ever After’ which is an exploration of the fantasy genre. Students will explore how composers manipulate aspects of characterisation, plot and themes when reimagining a text. They will be discovering the literary value of the genre and learn to craft their own fantasy texts! 

Year 8 students will be reading a variety of fantasy texts in class and are encouraged to keep this reading going at home! 


Year 9

Year 9 will be exploring the unit, ‘The Media and You’ throughout Term 1.  Students will be examining how the media constructs a narrative and how this narrative can be used to manipulate an audiences’ perspectives. They will be focusing on the concepts of argument and authority whilst analysing how the media creates narratives that are impactful. Year 9 students will then be crafting their own non-fiction multimodal narratives that explore a real topic that is in the news. 


Year 10

This term Year 10 are exploring the unit, ‘Celebrating Australian Stories’ with a focus on the film, ‘Ride Like A Girl’. Students will refine their understanding of the connection between culture, history and representation whilst exploring unique Australian experiences and concerns. Year 10 will work towards refining their knowledge of how film techniques are utilised with purpose and intent and then, how to apply this knowledge in an analytical response. 


Year 11 

Welcome to stage 6 English Year 11! Stage 6 is an exciting time for students and the English courses are aimed to prepare them for success into their adult lives. Currently there are three courses running across the Year 11 cohort; Standard, Advanced and Studies. 

Assessments for English for Year 11 will be handed out shortly so we encourage Year 11 students to spend some time planning and organising their time to set themselves up for success for this year - this might mean for some students organising a study space, creating a study timetable, identify clear learning goals (and how they intend to achieve them!), writing down on a calendar when assessments are due, being mindful of the impact that long hours at their casual job may have, etc. 


Year 12

Standard and Advanced English have just embarked on the exploration of the unit, Module C: Craft of Writing, also affectionately known as CoW! Students are engaging with quality short texts and learning how the composers create engagement, before using those very techniques in their own writing! A gentle reminder that come week 7, Standard and Advanced have English assessments due, so they are encouraged to start early and seek feedback! 

English Studies have just started reading the novel, ‘Ready Player One’ in connection with the unit, ‘Digital Worlds’. Students are learning about the importance and power of digital literacy in a world that is increasingly becoming technology dependent. Our English Studies students continue to work towards their portfolio assessment that showcases their learning over the course of the HSC year. 


Book Club 

Book Club for both Stages 4 and 5 will start again this year and we encourage students to come along, chat about books and have some tasty snacks with us! Confirmation on dates will be forthcoming and we look forward to seeing you there! 



Jessica Armfield