Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 1 March
MyCity zoo excursion
Thursday 2 March
Year 9 practice NAPLAN, period 1
Friday 3 March
DSC Swimming Trials
Monday 6 - Tuesday 7 March
Year 9 Science incursion
Wednesday 8 March
MyCity Liveability excursion
Monday 13 March
Labour Day public holiday (no school)
Tuesday 14 March
Division Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 22 March
MyCity Skydeck excursion
DSC Open Night, 5pm - 7pm
Monday 27 March
DSC Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 28 March
Regional Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 15 - Monday 27 March
NAPLAN testing window
Thursday 30 March
Year 7-10 SEAL & Extension Maths Competition
Monday 3 April
Student-Led Conferences
Thursday 6 April
End of Term 1
Parent and Alumni Volunteers Wanted for Year 9 Programs
To assist us with the Year 9 MYSELF Program, we are looking for volunteers to join us on our student-led excursions. We have had some fantastic support from parents/carers and past students in previous years and would love to build upon these learning partnerships as we advance into 2023.
If you or someone you know, is available on Wednesdays between 10 am and 3:30 pm you only need the following to sign up:-
- Be at least 18 years old
- A volunteer's Working with Children Check
- Complete the attached form and return it to the Main office or via email (Please attention it to Lisa.Chiuchiarelli@education.vic.gov.au).
- Be able to support students and their teachers on Public Transport & at times, walking long distances.We look forward to hearing from you and sharing the MYSELF program with our parents, community members and alumni.
If you are interested in volunteering in other ways please feel welcome to contact me via-
email: Lisa.Chiuchiarelli@education.vic.gov.au or phone: 9856 1034.
The Middle School Team
Ready To Learn
A reminder that all students should have their books, stationery, school planner and uniform ready and correct, now that everyone has settled in.
If a student has any issues with equipment or uniform they should contact the Year Level Coordinators to create a plan for supporting their child to be able to fully engage with their learning and meet our school expectations.
We are always keen to work together with families to support our students.
Required laptop program for NAPLAN
NAPLAN testing will take place in Week 7 on student laptops. We ask that families download the Naplan Online test program to their student's laptop at home to avoid any last minute IT issues. Download the program using this link:
Tony Leung
NAPLAN Coordinator/Administrator and Middle School Excellence in Teaching & Learning Leader