Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Thursday 2 March
Year 7 practice NAPLAN, period 2
Friday 3 March
DSC Swimming Trials
Tuesday 7 March
Soundworks Turbo Day
Wednesday 8 March
Stringworks Turbo Day
Friday 10 March
Year 7 Boys Cricket
Monday 13 March
Labour Day public holiday (no school)
Tuesday 14 March
Division Swimming Carnival
Wednesday 15 - Monday 27 March
NAPLAN testing window
Wednesday 22 March
DSC Open Night, 5pm - 7pm
Monday 27 March
DSC Athletics Carnival
Tuesday 28 March
Regional Swimming Carnival
Year 7 Sport Round Robin
Thursday 30 March
Year 7-10 SEAL & Extension Maths Competition
Monday 3 April
Student-Led Conferences
Tuesday 4 April
Year 7 & Year 10 immunisations
Thursday 6 April
End of Term 1
Big Hairy Audacious Goal
Our Year 8 DiSCovery classes have just commenced an exciting project - the Big Hairy Audacious Goal! Over the school year, our Year 8 students will be working hard on a project that they feel passionate about. It doesn't necessarily need to be related to school work. It can be a project that goes toward solving a problem and/or helps the community in some way.
At the end of the year, we will be presenting the work achieved by our students on a DSC Gallery Wall for our Grade 6 Orientation students to view. We can't wait to see what our students produce.
Year 7 Cricket Sign Up
The Year 7 Cricket Round Robin will be taking place on Friday 10th March 2023. All Year 7 students that are interested in representing DSC in cricket should use the link below to SIGN UP NOW! Please ensure that you complete the sign up form by 4pm Tuesday 28th February 2023.
If you have any further questions about DSC Sport please come and speak to Mr Pring in the stadium office.
SIGN UP LINK: https://forms.office.com/r/xA1e1WZvQw
Uniform Reminder
Wearing the correct uniform demonstrates that a student is ready to learn. Page 5 and 6 of the Student Planner outlines our summer uniform requirements and expectations. If students are out of uniform then they must present note from home to the Junior School reception before class at 9am in order to obtain a Uniform Pass.
Required laptop program for NAPLAN
NAPLAN testing will take place in Week 7 on student laptops. We ask that families download the Naplan Online test program to their student's laptop at home to avoid any last minute IT issues. Download the program using this link:
Tony Leung
NAPLAN Coordinator/Administrator and Middle School Excellence in Teaching & Learning Leader