VSC Updates and Information

Vermont Secondary College

Cycle 1 Reports and Student Progress Conferences


Our Cycle 1 Student Progress Conferences will be conducted online on Wednesday April 5th from 1 – 8pm. Formal classes will not be run on this date. 

Students are expected to attend the online interviews with their parents/guardians.


Cycle 1 Reports will be released to families via the Parent Portal on Compass at 6.00pm on Friday March 31st and Student Progress Conference bookings will also open at this point.


The online interviews will be conducted via Microsoft Team. 

We will be using a new format this year which should streamline the process used over the last three years. It will mean you will longer require your child’s Vermont SC account. Detailed Instructions will be published in coming weeks.


Vaping in Schools

In the previous newsletter, our Well-being team provided some information around the dangers of vaping. This, combined with an article published by the ABC that discussed vaping, has resulted in a number of questions about consequences for students who might be caught vaping at school. This is outlined below:

  1. If a student is caught vaping, they will receive TWO after school detentions and parents will be contacted.

Any student who is caught with a student who is vaping will receive ONE after school detention and parents will be contacted.

Any student who is caught either vaping, or with a student who is vaping, for a second time, will be sent home from school and suspended.