Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Year 11 Physics in Action  

In these images, you can see the students of Ms. Wilson's Year 11 Physics class doing one of their experiments. In this experiment, we heated up paraffin wax and measured the temperature as it cooled down. We were observing how an object, when it reaches the temperature required for it to change in state - solid to liquid and liquid to gas and vice versa - will stagnate in temperature and build up or lose energy before it finally changes in state.


We call this term latent heat, and in this experiment, we watched how the wax, as it cooled down, hit a point where it wouldn't change in temperature but it lost energy as it changed state from liquid to solid. 


(Report by Christian M, Year 11) 

Year 8 Science in Action 

In Year 8 Science, we have been learning about energy. We have investigated the different forms of energy like potential and kinetic. By understanding concepts in class, we are able to execute our knowledge with experiments. As a year level, we have been carrying out various experiments such as the ones below: 

(Report by Surya and Ziyaan, 8M1)