It's Summer time 

- let's swim and stay hydrated!

We are an accredited Move Well Eat Well School

It has been encouraging to see how enthusiastic the students have been in the first few weeks of PE. We have had a focus on fundamental movement skills incorporated into games for all year groups as well as a focus on teamwork through creating their own commando courses for the older students. 


We have incorporated some movement to music with our Preps and Grade 1s and they are now familiar with the Hokey Pokey as well as moving and freezing.


In this hot weather, be sure to keep hydrated. Keep drink bottles filled up and with you. 

Eating some food with your water helps to keep the fluid stick and hydrates better. Optimal hydration includes drinking with each meal and snack as well as before, during and after exercise. On very hot days the good old Zooper Dooper is a fun and refreshing way to hydrate.


The swimming carnival is fast approaching for our Grade 3-6s. I encourage everyone to have a go and join in. There is an event or water activity for everyone. This will be a fun day and a good opportunity to practice those swimming skills that were learned at the end of last year. 


Susan Andrews 

P.E. Teacher 


Pictured above: Grade 5-6s creating commando courses and developing their fundamental movement skills