Clever Classes

Kinder | Prep | Grade 1 | Grade 2


It has been a pleasure meeting all the new Kinder students and their families. We have started the year getting to know each other, learning lots of new group games, sing songs and creating beautiful piece of art work together. It was great to see kinder students experience Art and Music for the first time with our specialist teachers.


Kinder has begun our Heggerty program which assists children in developing their phonemic awareness - a skill essential for early literacy development. We sang Little Miss Muffet and responded by making “curds and whey” and a “spider web.” 


Outside has been a big hit with the bikes, sandpit and water play. 


Mrs Lange

Kindergarten Teacher




We have had a busy and exciting start to the new school year in Prep Bluegum! Students have enjoyed exploring their new classroom, meeting new teachers and working in teams to complete activities. So far this year, we have explored the concepts of families, patterns and syllables. We love to clap, stomp and dance out the syllables in different words! Throughout this term, we will learn about letters and the sounds they make, as well as numbers and how to count to and from 20.  We can’t wait for the year to come!


Grade 1

Our amazing Grade 1 class has made a really positive start to the school year and are all working together to be a team of incredible learners.  We are currently learning important routines and structures that will set us up for success throughout the whole year.


In Science we have started learning about Biological Science and in particular, types of animals and how their habitat that they live in, helps them to survive and thrive.  One of our first tasks was to think about our favourite animal and through rotation groups, we built and drew our favourite animal and their habitat.  


We will also use what we learn in Biological Science to guide our Design and Make learning in Technologies later this term.


Mrs Watt and Mrs Hickey

Grade 1 Teachers



Grade 2

A big thumbs up from the students for a great start to the year in Grade 2.  What a wonderful group of students. We have settled into the new year well!  We look forward to sharing our learnings, highlights and achievements during the year.  


Mrs Woolley

Grade 2





Thank you for sharing your very clever work with with us.


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