Assistant Principal News

Sub School News

Can you believe we have made it to the half way point of term? Where does the time go? Last week, during our curriculum day, staff participated in a vision and mission session. We explored the notion of a high functioning school and what this would look like to our students. Staff members then had time to plan for the upcoming term.


Our Foundation and Year 1 students have been having great success with the implementation of Little Learners Love Literacy and our Year 3 and 5 classes have been busily getting prepared for NAPLAN. Whilst we do not teach to the test, we do prepare our students for test conditions. They have been practising their computer sills, time management and sustained handwriting.


Students in Years 3-6 have also chosen their SRC representatives for 2023. There will be a whole school assembly on Friday 10th March, at 9am in the gym, to present badges to our leaders. We hope to see you all there.

                                                                     Jacqui Sampson

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                                       3-6 Sub School


                                                                      Sharleen Nason

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                         F-2 Sub School and Specialists