In the community

Working Bee in the Music room alongside the Garden working Bee!


The Enviro Team have been like frogs and let me hop on board the working bee this Saturday. There are lots of small jobs to do in the music room including sorting and counting instruments, restringing guitars and a uke as well as plenty more. If you are available to lend a hand, I'll be in the music room on Saturday from 9-1. You can find out more info here:

Searching for parent musicians of any type!


The Parents Battle of the Bands is coming Northside in 2023 & we want YOU!


This fundraising event aims to support, fund & promote:


- Musical education for children and youth

-Parents mental health by encouraging the practice of music & other art forms

- Live music venues by organising events within the local community 


If you identify as a parent or carer at our school with a musical talent/s and want to find out more about getting involved and battling it out on stage against other local primary schools- please get in touch with Jasmin via ASAP.


Please also share amongst your contacts at other local primary schools too to drum up interest!