
This term in gardening, students in foundation to year 2 have been getting to know our garden spaces.


In week 2 we went on a sensory exploration of the garden, discovering it through sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. We shared a cup of river mint tea, and some students tasted Cucumbers harvested fresh from the vegie patch!


In week 3 students discussed the importance of compost and were introduced to our compost bins. We went on a carbon hunt to balance out the nitrogen from our food scraps. We shared facts about worms and observed them as they wriggled in our hands.


Works have also begun on restoring our Woiwurrung garden on Hutton Street, with support from a Junior Landcare Grant. Thank you, Danielle, for all your support. 


If any families would like to get involved in the garden please reach out to Emily via the office! 


Please come along to our term 1 working bee Saturday March 4!