P to the E with Leigh

A normal start to the year! It was great seeing all the new foundation students excited and settling into school. It’s been a disruptive few years and the new students have really benefited from the kinder before coming to school. 


The foundation and grade 1s I spend time building the relationships of the class mostly by playing games that promote cooperative behaviours. Stop Look and Listen, read the room and the zones of regulation are all skills that the classroom teachers and specialists start teaching the kids. 


The 3/4 students have started on basic fitness activities after the long break and part of that will be playing basketball and relay team running to build up the children’s aerobic capacity. 


The district swimming carnival will have been finished for this year with a good turnout of participants. The Inter school sports for the 5/6 children is now being replaced by a one-day round robin competition that promotes the skills in Cricket MILO, slow pitch softball, rounders, and tennis and bat tennis this year. 


Thank you to the multi-age children who are so much part of our school and what it means to be genuinely inclusive. 


Part of my focus is about building skills but also finding ways to make sport part of the students’ lives outside of school. So, if your child has not found a hobby or sport to play, have a think about looking at the possibility of learning a new skill. Team sports, individual sports, martial arts, cricket, hockey, soccer, football there are many ways to build your skill base and fitness within your communities! 


Come and say hello. I love talking about sports and about how your children are travelling with their sporting endeavours!! 

Thanks Leigh Collins 

P.E. Coordinator.