Years 7, 9, 11

A great start to 2023!

Welcome to all our new students and staff who have become part of our community, we have had busy start to the year with lots of new students from variety of areas and schools who have become welcome additions to our school. 

Some important events coming up this Term!

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. It has been an everyday part of the school calendar since 2008.


NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life, such as reading, writing, spelling and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken nationwide, every year, in the second full week in May. At Henry Kendall High School we will be participating in the nationwide testing on the following days: 

  • Writing - Wednesday 15 March
  • Reading - Thursday 16 March
  • Conventions of Language  (spelling, grammar and punctuation) - Friday 17 March
  • Numeracy - Monday 20 March
  • Catch Up Test Day - Tuesday 21 March

NAPLAN tests skills in literacy and numeracy that are developed over time through the school curriculum.


Information letters will be distributed to all students in the coming weeks. 


The NAPLAN results will provide important information to schools about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement



  • All exams will take place in the MPC
  • Students participating in the exam during Period 1 will have their names marked off in the Library COLA outside the canteen. Once the rolls have been marked students will forward into the MPC.










Period 1

Year 9 Writing

42 mins 

Period 1 

Year 7 Reading 

65 mins

Period 1

Year 7

Conventions of language


Period 1

Year 9



Catch-up day for all sections of the exams – list of students will be distributed to staff on Monday 


Period 2 

No exam 

Period 2 

Year 7 finish exam part way through period 

Period 2 

No exam

Period 2

Year 9 finish exam part way through period



Period 3 

Year 7 Writing

42 mins

Period 3

Year 9 Reading 

65 mins 

Period 3 

Year 9 

Conventions of Language 



Period 1

Year 7




Period 4 

No exam 

Period 4

Year 9 finish exam part way through period 

Period 4 

No exam 

Period 4 – 

Year 7 finish exam part way through period

Please contact Mrs Wearne with any questions 4325 2110 

Year 11- Minimum Standards 

Students in Year 11 who are still working towards Minimum Standards have been given the opportunity to complete their test from Week 6 of this Term. Students will complete the online tests on Tuesday afternoons. We wish all students the best during this time. 

Year 11 Minimum Standards TestRoster - Individual TimesLibrary

Uniform Reminder

As the colder weather approaches a reminder about our uniform policy and school standards: 

  • Hooded jumpers are not permitted
  • Black tailored slacks or school tracksuit - no jeans or leggings
  • Juniors must wear the school jumper with the school crest or plain black jacket.
  • Seniors must wear a green jumper with the school crest or plain green jacket. 


All supplies of our school uniform can be purchased at Lowes at Gosford. 


We have a wonderful community reputation which, is reinforced constantly with our students displaying their school pride in the correct uniform.


Natalie Wearne

Deputy Principal

Years 7, 9, 11