Acting Principal

Mr Chris Grimmer

Important Reminder-Kiss & Go Zone

With our growing student numbers comes an increase in traffic during pick up and drop off times, so it is even more important that families observe the signs at our Kiss and Go zone at the front of the school. Please ensure you don’t leave your vehicle in these areas as the traffic becomes congested and it is extremely frustrating for others if they are unable to pause in these areas to drop their children off. Thanks for your co-operation with this issue.

Interhouse Swimming Carnival

PLEASE NOTE: Error on the Interhouse Swimming Carnival Permission Notice.

When signing permission for your child to attend this event please be aware that the students will be bussed to the Merbein Pool (not the Wentworth Pool as stated in the note) at 9:10am, returning at 2:30pm.

Mrs Kate Smith & Mr Chris Grimmer

School Photos

School Photo Days will be held on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th February.  Most photos will be taken on the Wednesday.   On Thursday, the Prep students and any students that may be absent on the Wednesday will have their photos taken.  The photo packs have been sent home with each student last week.  If your child has not brought a pack home or you wish to have a family portrait taken please contact the school office.  

All students will have their photo taken as they are used to update our administration system and are used for student ID and photocopy cards. Please read the instructions on the envelope carefully.  All envelopes with the correct payment enclosed must be returned before the photo days. These envelopes will be kept safe at school and distributed to students on the photo day.  Correct payment must be put into each envelope.  Please DO NOT place another child’s envelope inside a sibling’s envelope.  If you wish to pay by credit card, then you MUST order online. This information is detailed on the photo envelope.

If you lose your envelope, please don’t use another access key. Spare blank envelopes with your child’s access key can be obtained from the photographers or at the school.


Reminder - Newsletter Fortnightly Trial

Just a reminder to families that we are trialing a fortnightly production of the main newsletter. The fortnightly newsletter will contain all the reports, photos, events etc (as it always has) but then the following week (next Thursday) we will be producing an A4 single page Reminders & Events Page for families. This will contain the upcoming event dates and any reminders that need to go out for the week. It won’t have reports or photos included, with the idea that you can put it on the fridge if you normally print it off, or just quickly scan through the key reminders on your device.

We will also continue to put a lot of information & photos out on Facebook, Compass and via email so that families will still have ample information about school events. We will seek feedback from our school community early in term 2 as to whether this is an effective way of maintaining great communication between school and home.

Merbein P-10 College Council Election Process - 2020

Nominations for school council closed on Monday 17th February. The number of nominations we received matched the number of vacancies on council, therefore a ballot was not required.

I would like to congratulate and thank the following people who have nominated for another two year term on the Merbein P-10 College council.

Steve Liddicoat (Parent Category)

Scott Barnes (Parent Category)

Sandra Luitjes (DET Category)

Chris Blackie (DET Category)

I look forward to continuing to work with council to further develop our college and ensure our students from P-10 are receiving the best possible educational opportunities.