Student Wellbeing

School Wide Expectations

In 2017, we developed our School Wide Expectations. These expectation encompass all the values that we as a school think should be shown to/by all individuals.

These values are: Show Respect, Be Safe, Try Your Best, Be A Team and Follow Christ.


Each week at our Friday Assembly, Mr. Welsford selects an expectation that the school will focus on. Teachers will choose one student in their class who have shown that expectation to receive acknowledgment and the SEL award.

Parents are encouraged to use these expectations at home with the children, as this will help them develop the language and behaviours that accompany the school expectations. 


Some behaviours that students may show which demonstrate the  school expectations are:

Show Respect: Taking turns, being patient, listening to adults  and one another

Be Safe: Holding mum or dads hand when crossing the road, wearing helmets when riding bikes or scooters, being aware of their surroundings

Try Your Best: Completing their reading and homework to the best of their ability, showing persistence with jobs/chores at home

Be A Team: Playing nicely with siblings and/or family members, showing sportsmanship and positive attitudes at after school activities

Follow Christ: Showing kindness to family and friends, sharing toys with their siblings, using manners when speaking to others. 


Emily Faella - Wellbeing Leader