Junior School News 

End  of Term 2!

Wow! What an amazing term it has been. Junior teachers would like to say a big thank you to parents, grandparents and carers for all you support while students were learning at home. We have all become experts at Zoom meetings, creating home learning experiences and downloading and uploading to Seesaw. We have been very impressed at the quality of work completed. Then we had the time where Foundation and Juniors were the only students at school. We were so happy to see their smiling faces. Check out our balloon launch photos. Thankfully our whole school community has been able to return to onsite learning.


Cross Country and Celebration Day

We were blessed with a fine Friday morning to complete our cross country run. There was lots of cheering and big smiles as students crossed the finish line after running two laps of the school. Celebration Day was marked with outside games. The whole school spread themselves around the play grounds to spin hoops, skip, dodge balls and run races.


Australian Environments

Juniors have been investigating different environments around Australia. We looked at what made each place unique, the animal life that may be encountered and how humans might impact that environment. We concluded the unit of work by making a diorama of either The Great Barrier Reef, The Red Center or The High Country.



Happy Holidays

Enjoy your break and stay well. Keep reading and practicing those magic words!

We look forward to seeing your smiling faces in Term 3!