Principal's Report

Thank you for a ..
Wonderful, Crazy, Flexible, Supportive, Frustrating, Tiring, Terrific, Epic, Unprecedented, Worrying, Encouraging, Strengthening, Innovative, Surprising, Revealing, Different, Challenging, Uplifting..
term of learning!!!
Well, who knew at the beginning of the semester just how it would end! As a school community, we have been so very grateful for the terrific way parents and students have responded to the challenges we have faced together. You have all been AMAZING!
On behalf of our School Council, I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you for all that have done to support and encourage each other as we have navigated our way through these difficult times. I am so very grateful to you as parents for your willingness to partner with us in new ways as we continue to strive for excellence in learning opportunities for our students, your children. We couldn't have come through this as strongly as we did without your great help. Your words of encouragement to our staff have also been much appreciated. We are looking forward to continuing to explore and identify new ways of partnering with parents. Stay tuned, you have shown us how great you are at supporting learners at home, we would love to have you helping in the classroom!
And, of course, an enormous THANK YOU to our amazing staff team! Teachers and Support Staff have worked tirelessly this term to maintain excellent learning experiences for our students. As you read through this news letter you will see just a glimpse of the creative ways our teachers have been engaging learners despite the restrictions we have had in place this term. I continue to be in awe of the depth of dedication staff here at Kilsyth Primary School have to their students.
Please enjoy a safe and restful holiday break. See you all on Monday July 13th !!
Special Notice from Victorian Chief Health Officer
(the message below is from Prof Sutton, Chief Health Officer)
I am writing to Victorian parents, carers and students today to seek every family’s support in slowing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victoria.
As the school holidays approach, we can’t ease up on looking after ourselves and our families. The only thing between us and a second wave is what we do next.
Wherever you go, please be mindful of the risks. Be aware others may be carrying the virus and practice physical distancing.
We are currently experiencing the highest case numbers we’ve seen in more than two months. Current evidence suggests that the rise in case numbers in Victoria is being driven by families having get-togethers and not following advice around physical distancing and hygiene.
Unfortunately, we are still in a pandemic and people’s lives are still at risk. As we’ve seen across the world, this virus has the ability to turn a small number of cases into hundreds in a matter of days.
This is not where we want to be and we must all act now – while we can.
This is why we’ve had to implement a number of revised restrictions. The number of visitors you can have at your home is now reduced to five. Outside the home, families and friends can meet in groups up to ten.
This is how each and every member of the community can help:
- Stay safe while out in the community.
- Stay safe at home. And that means only seeing those you need to. Don’t have big family gatherings and remember to keep your distance and maintain good hygiene.
- Don’t share food or drinks.
- If you, or anyone in your family is feeling unwell – stay at home. Don’t visit friends and family. Don’t go on holiday if you are unwell and don’t go to work. Don’t send your kids to school, childcare or kindergarten if they are unwell - stay home.
- And if you have symptoms, get tested.
The vast majority of Victorians are doing the right thing, but this is a wake-up call and we cannot be complacent.
It’s up to all of us to keep our friends and families safe.
For current information and updates on coronavirus (COVID-19) visit the Victorian Government’s coronavirus website.
If anyone in your family has any of the symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, they should stay at home, seek advice and get tested. These symptoms include fever, chills or sweats, a cough, a sore throat, shortness of breath or runny nose, or loss of sense of smell or taste. For more information about where to get tested visit the getting tested for coronavirus web page.
If you’re concerned yourself or a family member has contracted the virus and need more information, please call the 24-hour coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
Adj Clin Prof Brett Sutton Victorian Chief Health Officer