School Sport

Kanga Cricket - Largs Bay White
The Strikers (Largs Bay White) have finished the 2018 Kanga Cricket season and the players, parents and school community can be very proud of what the team has achieved.
Each week throughout the season, this team comprising nine players across three different school year levels has showcased itself as a tight-knit band of brothers. The players have been revered for their teamwork, renowned for the respect they have shown to their opponents and admired for simply having a lot of fun . . . and along the way they have dazzled the crowds with some wonderful individual and team performances.
However, above all else, the players have been outstanding representatives of the Largs Bay School. Opposition coaches and parents have frequently commended the players for their behavior, manners and sportsmanship . . . and the team has consistently demonstrated the school values both on and off the field.
The Strikers, left to right: Kaleb, Dash, Tait, Cillian, Patrick, Stanley, Lachlan and Jack. Absent - Ethan.