First Aid

First Aid

Please ensure all emergency contact details are kept up to date in the careMonkey App. If you have provided a care plan for your son’s medical condition please keep the plan updated so it is consistent with your son’s current treatment plan.


We strongly encourage you to check with your health Insurer your level of ambulance cover if you have not taken out separate ambulance cover. Staff will call an ambulance for any student appearing to be suffering breathing difficulties, considered to have a severe injury or serious illness. Any costs associated with calling out paramedics is the responsibility of the parents or guardian.


As the weather gets colder and coughs and flu are about students who suffer asthma are reminded to keep their inhaler with them at all times. Please read the following advice from the asthma foundation.



Coughs, Colds and Asthma

Coughs, colds and the flu are one of the most common triggers of asthma. The common cold is caused by an upper respiratory tract infection and is a common illness for children and adults in Australia. As we approach the colder months, here are some tips to keep in mind to prevent and reduce the spread of coughs, colds and the flu:

  • Avoid coughing and sneezing on or near others and wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of disease.
  • If your child is not feeling well, it is recommended that they stay home and rest, to reduce the spread of infections and to speed up their recovery process.
  • Everyone should have the annual flu vaccination to ensure they are protected from this disease. You or your child may be eligible for the free flu vaccination.
  • Prior to purchasing any medications or herbal and natural remedies, you should seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist as some medications can react with asthma medications; such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen/Naproxen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications), Beta Blockers tablet and eye drops (used for high blood pressure and glaucoma), and ACE inhibitors (used to control blood pressure).


Stay warm this winter!


For more information, please contact The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or




Michelle Butler & Janise Cathcart

First Aid Department