End of Year Instrumental Music Concert
On Monday 24 October, the End of Year Instrumental Music Concert was held in the Performing Arts Theatre.
We had over 65 music students performing, 200 family and friends in the audience and 6 Instrumental Music staff conducting. The concert was an entertaining evening for all.
This year the Instrumental Music teachers and Musical Directors were given the opportunity to recognise students for their contribution to the music program.
Thanks goes to the following staff for their continued support in teaching and running ensembles;
Bronwyn Ventura
Woodwind teacher and Musical Director of LHS Band
Kent Fisk
Brass teacher and Musical Director of LHS Band
Malcolm Abbott
Percussion teacher and Musical Director of Percussion Ensemble
Stephen McCulloch
Guitar teacher and Musical Director of both Rookie and Hendrix Guitar Ensemble
Clancye Milne
Voice and Piano Teacher and Musical Director of Vocal Ensemble
Kate McAlister
Flute teacher and Musical Director of Rookie Band
LHS Community Music Award
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Percussion Ensemble
| Cameron Bamford |
Rookie Guitar Ensemble
| Caitlyn O’Halloran |
Hendrix Guitar Ensemble
| Kirra Ludlow and Marlon Villarreal |
Vocal Ensemble | Paris James and Bree Birthisel -Mulready
LHS Band | Gabby Bassett |
Rookie Band | Darcy Lloyd |
Funk Band | Ashleigh Basham |
Most Improved Instrumental Music Award
| |
Percussion | Emily Artis and Nicole Ruehmer
Voice | Jacinta Fouracre and Tayla Shearer
Piano | Hannah Garry and Emma Howson
Flute | Ashleigh Damen
Brass | Angus Taylor
Saxophone | Dylan Dent and Breanna Shannon
Clarinet | Lily Black
Guitar | Jordan Centracchio and Emma Howson |
Outstanding Contribution to the Music Program |
Caitlyn Shannon and Tim Huddleston |
NEVR Rookie Band Workshop
The Rookie Band will be participating in the North Eastern Victorian Region Rookie Band Workshop on Friday 2 December at Lilydale Heights Secondary College.
There will be over 80 music students from several schools in the region participating.
It’s a fantastic opportunity for the students to meet and make music with other students in their level.
Kate McAlister
Head of Instrumental Music