Monday 31 October
Tuesday 1 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Monday 7 to Friday 11 November
VCE Unit 2 Exams
Monday 7 November - 10 November
DOE - Glenelg River Canoe Journey (RY)
Sunday 20 November to 25 November
Year 9 Camp
Wednesday 23 November to 13 December
World Challenge Expedition
Friday 25 November
Year 10 Last day of classes
Monday 28 November to Friday 2 December
Year 10 Exams
Monday 5 December
Year 9 English Exam - Periods 1 & 2
Year 9 Maths Exam - Periods 3 & 4
Tuesday 6 December
DOE Celebration - Stand Up Paddle Boarding
Wednesday 7 December
VET Orientation Day
Thursday 8 December
Middle School Awards Assembly
Year 10 into 11 Orientation Day
Tuesday 20 December
End of Term 4
VCE Unit 2 Exams
Monday 7 to Friday 11 November
Year 10 students completing a VCE Unit 2 subject;
Important Exam Information;
- Please make sure you are outside the VCE Study Hall at least 10 minutes prior to the exam commencing
- Please bring your own equipment (calculator, pens, ruler etc)
- Students are not allowed to leave early
- School uniform must be worn
- Photo ID cards must be shown
- Only clear water bottles, no labels
World Challenge Expedition / Exams
Wednesday 23 November to Sunday 13 December
Year 10 students attending the World Challenge Expedition to Borneo and Malaysia, will sit the Year 10 Exams on Monday 21 and Tuesday 22 November.
2017 Year 11 Presentation Ball
Friday 12 and Saturday 13 May
The Centre Ivanhoe
275 Upper Heidelberg Road
To ensure your child has a place, FULL payment of $310 is to be paid on Compass by Friday 25 November, 2016.
The cost of $310, includes ticket/dinner, dance lessons, photographs (five 13 x 19 cm and one 20 x 30 cm whole group photo), flowers/buttonholes, DVD, entertainment and security for the night.
Dance lessons will commence on Tuesday February 14, 2017 and will run each Tuesday night after school in the Hall.
The Presentation Balls are run by Danielle Devine. For all enquiries, please call Danielle on 9735 5644 during school hours.
Year 9 Home Group
Resilience Activities
This fortnight, the resilience Home Group topic was Confidence.
Confidence, as well as positive self esteem can be achieved when your abilities are acknowledged by others.
For most teenagers, performing any skill (whether it be solving a problem on the board in Mathematics, an oral presentation in English, or speaking to a large audience at an assembly) in front of their peers can be extremely challenging. However, it is in these challenges, big or small, that confidence is built.
During Home Group, teachers were asked to to recognize and acknowledge some of the skills and talents that our students have.
For example;
- Doing a magic trick
- Juggling
- Dancing
- Sport (bringing in a medal or trophy)
- Photography (bringing in a photo they have taken)
- Impersonations
- Playing a musical instrument
Year 9 Camp
Sunday 20 to Friday 25 November
This week, students received a notice detailing the final information for attending the Year 9 Camp to Queensland.
The notice includes the following information; Bus departure and return times, contact phone numbers, what to bring and the itinerary.
Student Absences
A reminder for parents and guardians, please assist us to fulfil our legal obligations and approve outstanding absences your child may have on COMPASS.
The Middle School Office, should be contacted if your child will be away for more than two days.
If you have forgotten your Compass username and password, please contact the Middle School Office and speak with Lauren Kelso.
Students NOT returning to LHS 2017
We ask that parents and guardians contact the Middle School Office as soon as possible, if your son or daughter is not returning to Lilydale High School next year to complete Year 10 or 11.
Middle School Coordinators