Monday 31 October
Tuesday 1 November
Melbourne Cup Day
Thursday 1 December
Year 7 Teacher Morning Tea
Wednesday 7 to 9 December
Year 8 Camp 1
Friday 9 December
Year 7 & 8 Awards Assembly
Monday 12 to Wednesday 14 December
Camp 2
Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 December
Camp 3
Year 7
Wellbeing Activity
Rights and Responsibilities
This week students have been engaging in an activity focused on Rights and Responsibilities.
Throughout Home Groups, students looked at various scenarios and determined if it is their right or responsibility to act in a certain way. This activity facilitated some excellent discussion.
Below are some pictures of 757 engaging in their activity.
Year 7 Principal's Awards
Congratulations to the following students who were this fortnight's Principal’s Award recipients.
This is a fantastic achievement and all students were recognised at a whole year level assembly.
- Mackenzie Coakley 737
- Monique Waterhouse 739
- Tyler Cavill 741
- Ochre Woodland 746
- Aimee McMaster 747
- Chloe Bird 748
- Brayden Cox 749
- Emma Johnson-Shortis 750
- Maggie Pryke 751
- Kailin Thompson 752
- Rhys Studzinsky 753
- Corey Gray 754
- Ash Sheridan 755
- Jade Mosdall 756
- Kyle Griffin 757
Year 7 Uniform
A reminder that students should be in full school uniform until the conclusion of the schooling year.
All students should be wearing black polished leather shoes. A reminder, t-shirts under the school polo are not allowed.
If there are any uniform issues, please speak to one of the year level coordinators.
School Environment
Last week at our year level assembly, Mr Neumann spoke to the Year 7 students about respecting the school environment.
He reminded all students the importance of keeping our yard clean and tidy, as well as respecting the school equipment and facilities.
Recess & Lunchtime
Sports Equipment
Junior school students are reminded to borrow sports equipment at recess and lunchtime from the Junior School Office.
As the weather gets warmer, we would love to see more students outside playing with our range of equipment.
Year 7 Captains
These past couple of weeks have seen a few sport teams go out to their respective zone sport days. I personally got to take part in the Year 7 girls basketball team on Friday 21 October, which saw LHS verse schools like Norwood, Templestowe (with Australian legend Michele Timms as their coach!) and Brentwood. Unfortunately luck wasn't on our side that day and we lost all three games, but we held our heads high and had a great day out. I'm sure all of us girls are looking forward to battling it out next year. Go dales!
In Home Group, we have been looking at reviewing our 'Rights and Responsibilities', linking in again from our Orientation Program in Term 1. A right is something we are entitled to, whereas a responsibility is a state of accountability in order to keep our school community safe.
Mariah Derksen
Yaer 7 Captain
Year 8 students
S' and 'N' Reporting
How are you going?
All students should take some time to consider how they are going with their learning in all subjects, particularly with the new arrangements regarding an overall 'S' and 'N' grade.
The questions you should ask yourself relate back to the criteria that will assist you to be deemed 'satisfactory' in your subjects:
- Am I punctual to class?
- Do I take all of my equipment?
- Do I have a 'can do' attitude to my work?
- Do I persist with my work?
- Do I complete the work set for me?
- Do I complete all assessments?
- Do I complete my homework?
Year 8
School Uniform
Just a reminder to all students that the expectation is that everybody is in full school uniform at all times. As the end of the school year draws closer, there is no reason that this should change.
Please ensure that you are in the correct socks and shoes. NO ‘hoodies’ are to be worn at school and undershirts should not be visible.
Well done to those who always adhere to the school uniform policy.
Supper Club
Mondays at lunchtime
Thanks so much to Nick Anderton, Reice Brown, Daniel Fritsch and Kieren Gibson who prepared and served up delicious sausage rolls to the staff this week.
Culinary skills at their finest! Well done, boys.
Student Success
Congratulations to Shannon Price 8.60. Shannon took out first prize ($150) and third prize ($75) in the 2016 Wandin - Silvan Fields Day Photography Competion. The theme was 'Farm History'.
Winning entries are on display at the Wandin Seville Community Bank branches during October 2016.
Pictured below are Shannon's winning photographs. Well done Shannon!
Junior School Coordinators