Secondary News

7C Science - Mr Men Project
In Term 3, Year 7 students are learning about what classification is, its importance and ways that we can classify living and non-living things. Recently, Year 7 students completed a project which required them to make a Dichotomous key. This was done using the Mr Men characters. Students thoroughly enjoyed this task, and 7C students also peer assessed this task during class. Congratulations on such terrific focus and behaviour during this project, 7C, and to those students who worked on this task at home.
Kyla Crawford
Year 7 – Melbourne Aquarium Excursion
On August 10th, the Yr 7s went to the Melbourne Aquarium (Sea world) to have a tour and learn about classifying animals. We started the day by looking at the King and Gentoo Penguins and discussed how to identify them and classify them. We had a sheet to fill in during the tour.
Shortly after, we visited the water pool, seeing and touching with shark eggs, ray eggs, starfish and different types of shells. We learnt that sea stars and sea urchins are closely related species of marine life.
After this, we explored the huge shark and rays tank. It was amazing to see the different species of marine life up so close and personal. We did a short dichotomous key where we learnt about and classified some sharks and rays.
Subsequently, we viewed the crocodile, frogs, fish, turtle and sea dragon area. Then we were guided to the cinema where we watched a free ‘4D’ movie based on the ‘Ice Age’ movies.
We then headed outside to eat lunch at a nearby park, before returning to school. Overall, all of the Yr 7s had a great day spending time at the Melbourne Aquarium. On behalf of the Year 7s, I would like to say thank – you to our teachers and also the tour guides at the Melbourne Aquarium for organising this event for us.
By Norah Hoang – 7C
8A & 8C Science – Rock Cycle Experiment
For Term 3, Yr 8 science students are studying Rocks/minerals and fossils, in preparation for our upcoming excursion to the Melbourne Museum. On Monday August 7 and Wednesday August 9 respectively, 8A and 8C students participated in a task to help build upon their collaborative learning skills and understand the Rock cycle in more depth. Students worked in groups of their choice, to simulate the formation of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. All students worked efficiently and safely to ensure the practical and written components were completed submitted on time. Crayons were used to represent rocks. Congratulations in particular to Tim and Ethan in 8A and Raph and Lia in 8C and who were all fantastic group leaders.
Kyla Crawford
8C Science – Collaborative Learning
For Term 3, Yr 8 science students are studying Rocks/minerals and fossils, in preparation for our upcoming excursion to the Melbourne Museum. On Friday August 4, 8C students participate in a task to help build upon their collaborative learning skills. Students worked in groups of their choice, to design a product (such as a car or a boat) with limited rocks and other resources available. This task was inspired by the Flintstones family. After 10 minutes, students were then shown a video and had a discussion about what makes effective team work. They were then given group roles to assign to each other, and re-did the same task. Students reported that things went more smoothly with group roles and will be implementing these skills next lesson during an experiment on the Rock cycle. Congratulations in particular to Raph who spoke very well as the ‘presenter’ for his group.
Kyla Crawford
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